Morning Piss: Throw the Users In Jail, Too, America! - baby electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-07-27
Morning Piss: Throw the Users In Jail, Too, America!  -  baby electric toothbrush
As usual, celebrities who abuse drugs will be
Unfortunately, Cameron Douglas is clearly paying for others, but he is looking forward to it.
Just because he didn't, like most others, hum in every bathroom around Hollywood, he was pushing drugs.
The latest stupid development is that, according to police documents, Douglas's girlfriend, Kelly sout, is trying to smuggle an electric toothbrush full of heroin into the Upper East Side apartment where Douglas is currently under house arrest.
Is this really more stupid than half the stars in the women's restrooms at countless public clubs do openly?
Although the whole situation of Douglas is ridiculous and we absolutely do not forgive, we cannot help but ask why the responsibility falls entirely on Douglas and he may face prison life.
Shouldn't his buyer be the one who pays, crazy stars like Morgan chaos, fake madness, Emma
Oh, was found to be blowing centrally in suspension and events in Hollywood, but when they got off the bus, there was no warning, how could justice be defended, but, when there was some judicial punishment, it's a stupid act: the most unpleasant thing is probably Redmond O'Neill, Ryan O'Neill and the son of the late Farah Fawcett who has been given billions of chances to recover, but he did not take any chances until he was put into prison in April.
Where is his potential life? This is completely abnormal.
Cameron Douglas is just Martha Stewart of the celebrity drug group, and he's a dime of the sacrifice-
A lamb and an invalid one.
In order to reduce the use of drugs in Hollywood, the fuck will not do anything.
Now, you throw Lindsay or Missa in jail, and it gives a chilling shout --
Material. addled T-Town.
But some Oscar
In this small town, the poor one who won the legend will buy or use illegal drugs and garbage. Guarantee it.
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