More Action Needed for Seniors' Oral Health - baby electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-07-24
More Action Needed for Seniors\' Oral Health  -  baby electric toothbrush
About 75 million of Americans are considered Baby Boomers, or generations born between 1946 and 1964.
A large part of the population may have re-invented the retirement system and created a unique community for themselves, but there are also problems with their oral health.
According to a recent study by P & G, baby boomers's dental health has not met the standard and other health problems have arisen throughout the body.
Oral health in older people is important to maintain good health as bacteria build up and cause tooth decay, poor tone and gum disease.
A survey conducted by P & G and the American Association of retirees (AARP)
It is found that elderly oral health is one of the three major problems of excessive health. 50 population.
In fact, 74% of respondents said they go to see a dentist or oral therapist at least twice a year, and many reported visiting dental professionals more frequently today than 10 years ago.
About 78% of respondents acknowledged the habit.
Knowledge, but no action.
While most baby boomers report that they are well aware of the importance of maintaining oral hygiene, there are still various areas for improvement for many.
The survey found that 60% of the baby boomers did not use mouthwash, 47% did not use dental floss, and 34% only brushed their teeth once a day.
However, many people believe that they are properly maintaining their dental hygiene habits and may not know that they must take the necessary actions to have a fully healthy mouth.
"As adults grow older, it is critical that they continue to maintain a rigorous oral hygiene program," said Ann Ross, a dental practitioner at Arizona mobile dental.
"This should include regular professional dental cleaning and use of products that meet the needs of oral health. "Regular check-
Ups is a start in the right direction for baby boomers, but several other steps should be taken. Brushing.
Older people must brush their teeth at least twice a day to prevent plaque and remove harmful bacteria that cause caries and tooth decay.
However, it may be difficult for them to brush their teeth correctly for multiple reasons.
Painful hands or joints may prevent them from scrubbing patches with enough strength, or poor eyesight may make it difficult for them to see troublesome areas that require extra brushing.
It can help with the battery-
Electric or electric toothbrushes and enlarged mirrors make it easier to watch. Flossing.
Dental floss is related in addition to brushing your teeth.
Since the toothbrush cannot enter the gaps around the teeth and gums, the floss is used to loosen the food particles and break down the plaque in these areas.
Imagine trying to wash your hands without contact between your fingers.
Some of these gunk will continue to exist and cause problems.
Dental floss slows down the build-up of tartar, which is tartar and becomes hard due to the calcium properties of saliva.
Tartar is removed during the cleaning process of the dentist, but using tartar at home can reduce the amount of accumulation around the gum line.
A large amount of tartar can cause poor tone, gum disease and tooth decay. Rinsing.
People trying to keep their mouth healthy may ignore mouthwash, but bacteria
Killing mouthwash can reduce plaque and gum inflammation and fight bad tone.
For example, a study published in the journal General Dentistry tested 139 patients between the ages of 18 and 61 with mild to moderate plaque and gum inflammation.
Subjects were randomly divided into two groups, 70 in one group and 69 in the other.
One group was given antibacterial mouthwash and the other was given placebo.
Each group was asked to brush their teeth twice a day and use the appropriate mouthwash for 30 seconds each morning and evening.
All people use the same type of toothbrush and toothpaste.
Six months later, the researchers found that the group using anti-corrosion mouthwash subsided more than the group using placebo with plaque, gums and bleeding from the gums.
In fact, plaque decreased by 26% in bacteria.
Kill mouthwash groupHealthy diet.
A healthy diet is important to the body for countless reasons, but it can also bring miracles to the mouth.
If a person eats the right amount of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, it can prevent tone, plaque, dry mouth and dental caries.
People of all ages, especially the elderly, must avoid eating white bread, fried food, red meat, artificial sugar, etc. to maintain good oral health.
In addition, one must make sure to drink enough water to keep the mouth moist and rinse off the remaining food particles. For more by Dr.
Harold Katz, click here.
For more information on dental health, please click here.
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