modulation of snow reflectance and snowmelt from central asian glaciers by anthropogenic black carbon - best air purifier for dust

by:Yovog     2022-11-12
modulation of snow reflectance and snowmelt from central asian glaciers by anthropogenic black carbon  -  best air purifier for dust
As we all know, mineral dust and black carbon deposited can reduce the reflective rate of snow and enhance the melting.
Here we estimate the contribution of black carbon (BC)
The glaciers in the Central Asian region are piled up in-
Field measurement and modeling.
SOURCE analysis shows that more than 94% of BC emissions are mainly from regional man-made sources, while the remaining contributions are from natural biomass combustion.
Although the annual deposition flux of mineral dust may be 20 times higher than BC, we find that human BC causes most of it (60% on average)
The snow is black.
This led to an increase of up to 6 in the snow melting rate in summer. 3% (7u2009cm a−1)
According to the model of reduction of the contrast rate and melting snow, the glaciers in the three different mountain environments of Kyrgyzstan were studied.
In the summer of 2013 and 2014, a total of 13 pits representing one year of snow were dug, and a total of 226 samples were collected ().
500 samples were collected according to the "dirty hands, clean hands" scheme and stored in the gold bottle.
After sampling, the bottle is frozen and stored in the dark until shipment.
Upon arrival, samples are processed immediately in class 100 clean room.
An equal sample of each sample was analyzed by Picarro liquid water analyzer and melted at room temperature (Wave Scan-
Cavity decay spectrometer, l230i)
Standard error
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