mites in bedroom air - best bedroom air purifier for allergies

by:Yovog     2021-02-28
mites in bedroom air  -  best bedroom air purifier for allergies
VOORHORST and others.
1 found that among the many house dust components that cause respiratory allergic reactions (
Rhinitis and asthma
People who are sensitive to indoor dust, a little known powder worm so far, House ophag, contains allergens that are more effective than other ingredients.
They also showed that the excretion or secretion of mites contained allergens.
Therefore, if the mite is temporarily transmitted through the air and reaches the upper or lower respiratory tract, it seems likely to cause a serious inhalation reaction.
The mechanical interference when making the bed seems to be a possible launch mechanism for the airborne spread of mites, especially since one of us (A. M. C. )found that D.
There was a lot of dust on the mattress.
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