Michael Douglas' Son Cops to Drug Dealing, Will Go to Prison - top electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-11-30
Michael Douglas\' Son Cops to Drug Dealing, Will Go to Prison  -  top electric toothbrush
It can be said that we found the black sheep of the Douglas family.
Not Michael, not Kirk, not Catherine.
No, the odd man of that generation was Michael's eldest son, Cameron Douglas, who admitted this morning that he was conspiring to distribute drugs and heroin as part of a plea agreement, though the plea agreement guaranteed a minimumminimum—10-
Annual sentence. The 31-year-
Old admits he sold a lot of meth and cocaine before he was arrested last year, before three
Annual Survey of DEA.
"I started to supply regularly," Douglas said in court . ".
In addition to conspiracy charges, he admitted to possession of heroin.
The figure was arrested when he was under house arrest last summer when his girlfriend tried to smuggle drugs to him through an electric toothbrush.
He's not a criminal mastermind.
"Yes, your Honour," he told the judge when asked if he knew what he had done wrong.
As for his famous father's feelings about his possible life sentence, Michael opened his heart to AARP earlier this month.
"It's very painful," he said . " He continued to admit that he was not a real stone --
In the process of his son's growth, his existence is stable.
"I will take any responsibility that I have to take.
Would it be better if we could be more definitely around?
I am not an angel if I am absent.
"Cameron has a long way to go in his life," he said . "
"He now recognizes his demons and struggles.
"Since details of Cameron's plea deal with prosecutors have not yet been disclosed, it is unclear whether he will be held for the usual decade --
Although he will be formally sentenced on April 27, he is at least imprisoned.
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