metro vancouver looks to clear the stench with giant odour-eating filters - purified air

by:Yovog     2021-05-19
metro vancouver looks to clear the stench with giant odour-eating filters  -  purified air
Musqueam Park is a major sewer that extends from the underground of Kitsilano 4 th Avenue to dive under the Fraser River.
When the sewage flows down, the air floats. . .
In hot and dry weather, the situation is worse when there is no rain --
Dilute the sewage.
In last August, a support letter from Musqueam's Indian Band said the issue had lasted "for decades ".
Vancouver Metro plans to spend at least $30 million on smells
Deal with the factory to resolve complaints about stinking of the main sewers in the area.
First of all, the planned $6.
Million facilities in musque South Park near Fraser River, South Vancouver.
According to the decision of the Vancouver Park Council
The proposal will be considered on Monday-
It can be built this fall.
According to the Vancouver metro company in charge of the sewer system in the area, there are four similar factories in Vancouver and Surrey in the next five to ten years.
Another one in Delta is still under study.
Musqueam Park is a major sewer that extends from Kitsilano 4 th Avenue to the ground floor, diving under the Fraser River on its way to Richmond Iona Island sewage treatment plant.
When the sewage flows down, the air floats.
This line collects about garbage from Vancouver.
Plus some from Ben Nabby-
They have been stinking in the nearby Musqueam reserve for years.
In hot and dry weather, the situation is worse when there is no rain --
Dilute the sewage.
In last August, a support letter from Musqueam's Indian Band said the issue had lasted "for decades ".
Band member Johanna Sparrow
Crawford also thinks the taste is not fresh and can be overwhelming.
"This is absolutely terrible.
Especially in the summer, this is a very important concern for our community.
You don't want to open the door to get some fresh air. It’s foul.
"In addition to the stench, she is also concerned about the leakage or rupture of giant pipes that deliver raw sewage.
"I have been worried about the environment for many years, because the main urban lines are under us. if there is a natural disaster, we will have a big problem.
"Population growth is the main reason for the increase in the number of complaints across the region," explains Bob Cheng, chief senior engineer for liquid waste services at Metro Vancouver.
"Once the population increases, it adds more load to the sewer.
Hydrogen sulfide as the load increases-
"I will come out," Cheng explained on Wednesday . ".
"This has been identified as a more urgent need.
But this is not the only one.
"Along the Eighth Avenue Line (from Burnaby)
We have been getting complaints about Highbury interceptors for the past few years.
"In the past, the city closed the offending human holes that passed through the sewers below the street, but that was not long --
Term solutions, Cheng said
It just concentrates the bad smell in other areas.
It also allows higher concentrations of hydrogen sulfide.
The reason for the foul smell of sewage eggs-
This can turn into sulfuric acid, corrosion and weakening the pipe.
The proposed air treatment plant is like a giant carbon filter in a furnace fan, Cheng said.
They extract pollutants from the sewer gas and release purified air to the atmosphere.
According to a support letter from the Vancouver Coast Health Bureau, the air treatment plant is not at risk for health.
Instead, the factories will improve the air quality in the area.
The staff suggested that the Musqueam Park plan be approved on Monday;
Coupar said that this was the result of a long period of public consultation with neighbouring countries, "which is balanced in solving a problem that needs to be solved . ".
The proposed building will be close to the forest, take up less park space and will also add public restrooms that do not exist.
Its final design has not yet decided on any other suggestions for building scents
Eating plants in the park has to be before the board, but he hasn't heard whether this is at work, says Coupar.
Air cleaning buildings in Vancouver in the future
About three sizes. car garage —
Plan the area of the Chinese Creek Park on the Fourth Avenue of Pleasant Hill and Highbury.
The problem area south of Fraser is close to the intersection of Highways 10 and 91;
Close to King George highway south of Highway 10.
Consideration is being given to building another highway on Highway 91 and River Road in the Delta.
Eellis @ inverversun.
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