mayflower to set sail again 400 years after pilgrim fathers landed in america - solar powered car air purifier

by:Yovog     2023-01-30
mayflower to set sail again 400 years after pilgrim fathers landed in america  -  solar powered car air purifier
The ship, which brought pilgrims ancestors from Plymouth port to the New World, will sail again to celebrate 400 anniversary of Europe's first colony in the United States.
Augmented reality technology experts plan to rebuild the ship with wood, so it is possible
Lost merchant ships use headphones and even watches to go out to sea.
In addition to the virtual project, a fully autonomous future version of Mayflower is under construction and will become the first unmanned vessel to cross the Atlantic in 2020.
Professor Bob Stone, director of the human-machine interface technical team at the University of Birmingham, said: "We want to recreate muverlauer, every board, every pulley, every rope, in augmented reality, people can put on headphones and get on board and feel like they are really on board.
"It will be a complex real-world environment, so the ship will cover the world around them, so people can sail inside and outside the port of Plymouth, you can even sail around your coffee table.
"They will be able to talk to passengers and crew to understand what life is like on such an important ship ", we have been working with our friends the staff of Plymouth City Council and Plymouth City Council are providing us with surgery plans and replica laser scan results available.
"The original Mayflower set sail in 1620 and started living in the new world with about 132 passengers and crew.
But what should have happened during the relatively short summer crossing turned into a two-month treacherous autumn and winter voyage as its sister boat speedboat suddenly leaked, after weeks
Now after landing-
One day in November 9, Cape Cod, the pioneers were supposed to sail south, but bad weather and infighting forced them to stay --put.
About half of the passengers and crew died of tuberculosis, bad scur disease and pneumonia in the first winter.
However, the small colony of New Plymouth grew and held its first Thanksgiving celebration on November 1921.
The following April 5, when the Mayflower set sail for Britain, it lost a boatman, gunner, three Quartermaster, chef and at least a dozen sailors.
It is believed that the ship was broken after several years.
But the Birmingham team had the initial plan to build the areplica laser scan of the ship in the UK in the 1950 s and sail to Plymouth, in Massachusetts in 1957, and is currently undergoing repairs.
"No one really knows where Mayflower broke up, but I managed to get on Mayflower II and took a lot of 360-degree photos, so we have a lot of information, Professor Stone said: "It will be very comprehensive. ".
"The wardrobe collection at the Plimoth Plantation is also helping us with details such as armor and clothing, and we have a lot of details for the people sailing, so we should be able to bring them back to life.
"You can ask the passengers and crew about the life of the colony and the ship.
"We even take measurements from a buoy in Plymouth Bay so we can see the weather in real time.
"The second part of the project will see a fully driverless solar energy three mar sailing on the Atlantic Ocean, while a series of unmanned aircraft will conduct research experiments along the way, launched in May (MARS)
Developed in partnership with Plymouth University and by award-
Award-winning yacht designer Shuttleworth designs and underwater shipbuilding MSubs.
The ship is expected to be ready in 2019, so it can be tested for a year before sailing.
Orion Shuttleworth, who designed the ship, said: "We hope the ship can really capture imagination.
Its scale is unmatched by anything in the civilian world.
"Brett Phaneuf president ship
MSubs, the builder who is building the ship, said the project could change the future of navigation, which has fallen behind in Autonomous Research.
"Advances in technology have driven land and the air --
"Based on transportation to a new level of intelligent autonomy, this is a different story at sea," Mr Phaneuf said . ".
"This raises the question, if we can place a rover on Mars and let it do research on its own, why can't we cross the Atlantic Ocean with driverless ships and, ultimately, around the globe?
"This is the question we want to answer with Mars.
Professor Kevin Jones, Executive Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Plymouth, said: "Mars has the potential to be a real world --
First of all, it will serve as a research platform for carrying out a large number of scientific experiments during sailing.
"It will be a new test platform for navigation software and alternative forms of power, including the great advances in solar, wave and sailing technology.
"As the world's eyes focus on its progress, it will provide students with a vivid educational resource-an opportunity to watch history and possibly participate in the creation of history.
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