Marshawn Lynch Crushin' Cars in Army Tank ... for Reality Show - the best toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-01-24
Marshawn Lynch                                       Crushin\' Cars in Army Tank                                      ... for Reality Show  -  the best toothbrush
Marshawn Lynchis will be in tank mode for his new reality show. . .
Into an army.
For fun, Abrams squashed the car in grade.
This is just a sample of Marshawn's new reality series no script, which debuted on Facebook this week. In a 1-
Minutes trailer, Lynch also makes donuts in the car, trying to jump indoors and outdoors, and even bring B. P.
With a damn sledgehammer.
But we think the best part is his cameo on the battlefield. . .
When the tank commander runs straight, the beast mode rides a shotgun-
Push a car flat. (
Bonus: Marshawn is chewing a toothbrush for some reason. )
Dental hygiene is important.
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