manage asthma with these lifestyle changes - times of india - air purifier for asthma

by:Yovog     2022-10-06
manage asthma with these lifestyle changes - times of india  -  air purifier for asthma
With the improvement of national pollution levels and dust particles in the environment, the number of people with asthma has increased rapidly, especially in urban areas, which is no longer a secret.
According to the World Health Organization,
At present, there are 20 million asthma patients in China.
Not only is asthma, but increasing air pollution has also increased complaints about breathing difficulties, unexplained cough, chest tightening and breathing.
Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition in which your airway or trachea is inflamed and narrow, making it difficult for you to breathe.
Difficulties in getting air in and out of the lungs can cause symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, tightening of the chest, and breathing.
These symptoms are also caused by some allergens such as dust, cigarette smoke, contamination, infection, pollen, or allergies.
Since the atmosphere contains a large number of allergens, sensitive people may be attacked for any of these allergens.
It is not possible to eliminate all allergens from the atmosphere, so one must be very careful about his/her surroundings and minimize exposure to this trigger.
People with asthma must record allergens that trigger their condition, but if they don't know, it's better to avoid some of the most common allergens.
Some of the factors that may lead to asthma are :-
Long periods of physical activity can lead to shortness of breath. -
Dust, mites, spores, pollen dust, cockroach feces, common cold and infection. -
Cold and humid airSmoke and fog-
Stress and anxiety
Drugs that could trigger this situation
Although asthma requires medical care, changes in certain lifestyles can reduce your risk of worsening your conditione. asthma attack.
Here are some of the changes that can help better control asthma.
These methods can be used to reduce or even eliminate the symptoms of the disease. -
Keep away from pets: animal fur, feces and urine are common allergens that cause respiratory problems and cause cough and sneezing, which can be a hassle for asthma patients.
Keep your pets away from your bedroom and keep them safe --
Grooming and cleaning helps minimize problems. -
Use air purifiers/air conditioners with air filters: using air purifiers and air conditioners with filters will help to clean the indoor air and control allergens entering your home.
The air conditioner also minimizes the humidity in the room.
If your house is very damp, you can improve it with a dehumidifier. -
Use masks when traveling and cleaning: There are a lot of allergens around when traveling.
So, use pollution masks to prevent pollution. -
Always clean your room and decor: you should always clean and disinfect your room and decor to avoid dust build upup on them.
Change pillowcases, mattresses, carpets and curtains as often as possible as these items contain most of the dust.
Make sure there is no mold and fungus deposit in the house.
Stuffed toys and bedding should be cleaned with hot water every other day. -
Do not use heavy perfumes and perfumes: it is not a good idea to use very hard perfumes and perfumes for asthma patients.
So, use gentle and ascending. -
List edible foods that cause asthma: avoid foods that are known to cause asthma.
For some people, foods like black fish, milk, soy, peanuts, eggs and wheat can be allergens.
You will need to identify your food and track which foods will trigger your condition. -
Keep healthy: exercise regularly, yoga and a healthy diet.
This will strengthen your heart and lungs and make your body more resistant to asthma attacks.
Healthy and healthy diet containing vitamin C and E, beta-
Carrots, Omega-fatty acids, antioxidants, magnesium and selenium can reduce the risk of asthma and enhance immunity. Inputs by:Dr.
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