Man Who Didn't Brush His Teeth For 20 Years Has An Amazing Smile Now - travel electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-11-10
Man Who Didn\'t Brush His Teeth For 20 Years Has An Amazing Smile Now  -  travel electric toothbrush
Guys, oral hygiene is really important.
A 21 st century storyyear-
An old man named Jay did not brush his teeth all his life and did not use dental floss.
He said his parents never encouraged him to take care of his teeth, which ultimately led to the need for a massive dental restoration work.
Jay appeared on the British reality show "awkward body" in January, but many media began reporting the story on Thursday.
Watch the graphic video below: Jay, who admits to fear of a dentist, decided to finally take a stand and try to keep smiling.
"I want to work in sports or physical therapy, but because of my teeth, it doesn't feel very good," Jay said in the clip . ".
"When I haven't really taken care of my teeth, I'm embarrassed to tell others how to take care of myself. ”Dr.
James Russell had to clean Jay's teeth due to years of tartar and plaque build-up --up.
But then the scene is still not very good.
The dentist said that while the roots and bones of Jay's mouth are healthy, at least 11 teeth must be removed due to decay. Dr.
Before making some promises, Russell refused to implant the young man.
"It's a bit, changing your lifestyle time," said Dr.
Russell told his patient.
"Reduce carbonated drinks or stop.
Reduce candy, start brushing your teeth, start flogging --
Especially after we clean things up.
After Jay promised to change his lifestyle, the doctor pulled out his 11 teeth and replaced them with an implant.
Given how anxious his dentist's chair is, Jay has a hard time putting up with such a wide range of processes.
But to be honest, the result is so worth it.
Look at Jay after he recovers. HELLO, SIR.
The smile was a knockout match.
Jay told the crew that his new teeth had changed his life.
Where he was once ashamed of his teeth, Jay found a new confidence after overcoming his fears.
"I'm a happier person," Jay said . "
"I will definitely realize my dream.
Most importantly, Jay is more serious about his teeth.
The man even had an electric toothbrush.
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