man says his ex wrote a how-to guide for his next girlfriend but no one is impressed with the three-page list - what's the best air purifier to buy

by:Yovog     2021-05-13
man says his ex wrote a how-to guide for his next girlfriend but no one is impressed with the three-page list  -  what\'s the best air purifier to buy
If you could leave a note for your ex
The new partner of the partner, according to "Don't date this person" or "these are serious red flags", what will you say, right?
What they do is worth doing, such as chewing loudly or washing incorrectly.
But it is clear that a woman has only friendly words to share with her predecessor
Her boyfriend when she left
Make a Date Guide for his next partner
Although the poster and boyfriend are likely to be Jacob Brown from California.
S. , he wrote it himself, and the nature of this note is not sitting with many people.
They commented in drovesa lot)
Everything on the list is very suspicious. The three-
Page guide lists his food preferences, what he likes to do in his spare time, his love for back friction and trampoline park.
Sounds familiar, maybe like a guide you once wrote for your dog sitter, people on Twitter don't have any guides and they want to know why an adult has to come with instructions.
On this note, his partner wrote: "If you want to buy him anything specific, his favorite color is red.
"He seems to really like Popeye in case he is hungry because the boy likes to eat.
He likes to wear robes like anywhere he goes, so don't hesitate to buy him a new one.
"He likes to massage his back, so to be prepared, your hand may have cramps, but he likes it, so you have to move on.
He likes that you can relax with his children, drink with them and stay calm.
Sounds innocent, don't you? a little scared though.
It is worth noting that when the woman mentioned some of his bad side, there was a dark change in the note.
She wrote: "You will often hear negative news about him from others, but ignore it and trust me, it's not worth fighting.
"His room is always in a mess, so either you get used to it or you clean it for him.
When he has long days, just be by his side and don't put more pressure on him.
"The most important thing is to care about him, the last thing he wants to hear is that you are with one of his boys or anyone.
"If new girlfriends and readers are as curious as the rest of us as to why this woman broke up with him, she will indulge us in the letter.
She added: "You will have to learn how to overcome the huge obstacles you have encountered, and that's where I failed, and I can't do that for him, but he's so perfect, I hope you are the one he's been talking about ".
"These are some of Twitter's reactions: Jacob doesn't mind haters, though.
He wrote: "It's the best thing I 've ever gotten in my life.
If this is true, his predecessor did write, perhaps a shadow at the expert level.
If so, we are the queen of irony.
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