make an oil bath air filter for your motorcycle or generator from a coffee can. - best home air cleaner

by:Yovog     2020-02-13
make an oil bath air filter for your motorcycle or generator from a coffee can.  -  best home air cleaner
I always loved the way I was naked.
But I have never liked the "podcast" type air filter.
When I modified the bike, the first one went to the big air cleaning box.
To be frank, running anything that sucks in air in a strict tolerance environment is a bad idea.
So I 've been thinking about air filtration options for a while that might fit the "look" of my bike and there seems to be nothing coming at me.
Then I had dinner with a friend who had just bought a 1955 Chevy in full stock.
He looked up the hood and there was an oil bath air filter on the engine.
For those who are too young to even have heard of oil bath air filters, they are the main means of removing dust particles from the air sucked into the engine through the carburetor (
Another outdated device. . . ).
Includes a quick drawing of a basic oil bath filter using a can tank.
The premise is this: there is a reservoir, steel wool, air intake pipe and a small amount of oil.
About 1 inch of oil at the bottom of the reservoir, a rough layer of steel wool, about half
Go up from the bottom.
The center of the reservoir is a pipe.
One end of the pipe hangs above the oil at the bottom of the storage tank.
The other end of the pipe is connected to the carburetor.
When the engine turns and generates low pressure in the combustion chamber, the air flows into the engine through the carburetor.
In our oil bath filter scene, the air rushes into the top of the reservoir, through steel wool, and then is forced to make a sharp turn of 180 degrees into the intake pipe that supplies the carburetor.
When the air turns the sharp angle into the air inlet, the particles in the air fall off and stick to the oil at the bottom of the reservoir.
These air filtration systems were not used in mass products until recently.
In many countries around the world, oil bath air filters are the preferred means of filtration.
There is a long and legendary debate about the effectiveness of the oil bath on paper filters.
In a dusty environment, paper filters are easily blocked in a few minutes, while oil bath filters can run for hours before they need to be replaced.
I'm not interested in having a debate about which filter is better.
Still, I would say that I have seen no adverse effects on the engine with oil bath filtration at more than 300,000 miles.
I saw the same on the paper filter engine.
I chose the oil bath for the sake of beauty, not because I think it is better than paper filtration.
Let's get started with it.
You need to make an oil bath air filter for a single device
Motorcycle (cylinder)
Or similar engine)
: Pipe coffee can 1/8 installed on the 90-degree elbow of the carburetor
Brite or very rough steel wool oil hose clip Buckskin (optional)
The tools you need: tin sniper (
Cut hardware cloth)
Scissors Hacksaw torch, flux and solder (optional)
The tube connected to the carburetor is what I call the intake pipe.
I used some copper left by a friend's boiler project as my intake pipe.
In my case, the outer diameter of the carburetor opening is just a rabbit less than 1/2, so the copper pipe with an inner diameter of 1/2 works very well.
I created a tube that can be extended into a coffee can.
Be sure to cut the pipe so it doesn't get to the bottom of the jar all the time.
It takes about 1 to 2 inch between the bottom of the intake tube and the bottom of the tank.
In order for it to be connected to the carburetor, I made about 15 "cutouts" at the end of the carburetor of the copper tube and tightened it to the mouth of the carburetor using a hose clamp.
For an extra bit of action, I wrapped the carburetor opening with some buckskin and I had to act as a gasket between the carburetor mouth and the copper tube.
In addition to having some kind of hat, the oil bath filter also has a major filter device to capture the "Big Spring ".
In many cases, this is a thick layer of steel wool (
Similar to the "brillo" pad or metal chip coil you found near the lathe).
My oil bath filter opens at the top, which means almost anything can be sucked in.
Personally, I like the roar that comes out as I roll on the motorcycle throttle.
The opening top of the filter allows more air to flow into the filter, and when you really give it berries, it provides some good resonance for the reward roar.
To create the main filter, I simply cut 2 laps of hardware fabric that closely matches the inside diameter of the coffee can.
Between the layers of the hardware cloth, I used some Scotch whisky
To capture the finer dirt of the road.
In order to avoid the main filter entering the oil bath at the bottom of the tank, I simply put a hose clamp on the lower side of the lower hardware cloth.
This should be the case!
The best thing about creating an oil bath filter is how fast and easy it is.
You don't have to worry about getting super tight seals on paper filters.
Now that the main filter is in place, this is a small step to complete.
Slide the coffee can under the feeding pipe and push it to the hardware cloth (primary filter).
If you have a tight enough fit, you don't need to attach the jar to anything to keep it in place.
If not, you can easily hang the jar on the intake pipe with some wires.
In my example, it is kept in place by the main filter when idle.
When you roll on the throttle, the vacuum actually keeps the jar in place while you're driving.
Pour a few ounces of oil on hardware fabric and Scotch whisky when the jar is in placeBrite sandwich (primary filter)
You're ready.
Pick up your helmet, kick your bike and roll on the throttle with peace of mind.
When your engine runs without an air purifier, the air/fuel mixture is very bad.
Your engine runs "lean" so it will heat up, backfire and burn earplugs.
The factory uses the correct carburetor settings according to the amount of vacuum generated by installing air filters in front of the carburetor.
When you add a new oil bath filter, you need to make sure you have the right airflow.
If the jar is too small to have enough airflow, your engine will absorb oil from the bottom of the jar.
Also, you will run "rich "(
Too much fuel, lack of air)
Dirty your spark plug.
If there is too much air flowing, your engine will tilt.
My scene is perfect.
My coffee can has a 3 "opening which is twice as high as my intake tube.
The bike runs well in this setting.
This setting is great for generators and stationary engines.
Think about all the air filters you won't use in burning people this year!
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