looking for a few odds and ends - personal care appliances

by:Yovog     2020-06-29
looking for a few odds and ends  -  personal care appliances
Equal opportunity West is looking for donations from home appliances to provide its new Portage Avenue location.
Profit at 851 Dr Knight
Support and employment services for persons with disabilities have been provided since 1979.
On July, EOW will open a second location at Portage Ave 3570. —
Old site of Boyd car body and glass next to West Portage YMCA-
To keep up with demand.
"The building is full and we have a lot of people joining the project," said Susan Morgan, executive director of EOW . ".
"This will enable us to extend our programming and provide some different programming.
According to Morgan, EOW currently provides services to about 110 customers through its day program, serving another 90 customers through its Supported Employment and Disability entrepreneur program. Forty-
Three staff members are also working in the Knight driving office, and the program is expected to have 20 new participants this summer.
It was a big leap for Morgan to join the group 10 years ago.
"When I first started working, we had three employees and 13 people serving us," she said . ".
"I think the concept of the project is transformed into a more comprehensive and perfect concept --
The comprehensive approach seems to be what the family really wants now, and I think a lot of people like it too.
"The new location will allow EOW to open up more project space and expand its day program, giving participants the opportunity to learn Entertainment, career and life skills while earning a small salary.
For example, the popular kitchen program teaches basic cooking, cleaning and service skills and provides a nutritious daily lunch for everyone at EOW.
"The kitchen and lunch program has become an important part of our work," Morgan said . ".
"Not only did we eat well here, we also provided a good training base for people.
"When the Portage location opens in July, the organization will have a second kitchen for cooking --
As long as they can get the necessary equipment.
"It's very expensive to make a brand new kitchen, and we also noticed that many of the appliances here are second --
"We started to see that they were exhausted, so we really needed electrical appliances," Morgan said . ".
Opportunities West is looking for a commercial refrigerator, two stoves, two dishwashers and a stackable washer and dryer.
Money donations are also accepted and any donations over $25 will receive a tax receipt.
Construction of new spaces began in April, including demolition of existing walls and creation of a countryof-the-
Provide art restrooms and showers to customers with more personal care needs.
In addition to new projects such as bicycle refurbishment services and large used craft shops, Morgan is looking forward to bringing EOW into new areas of the city.
"In this area, people know us nearby and we are part of this community," she said . ".
"Shows like us are not always in a conspicuous place . . . . . . We will be the center and the frontier.
Visit the West with equal opportunities.
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