little luxuries make a big difference - large air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-11-29
little luxuries make a big difference  -  large air purifier
While efficient packaging often means that traveling requires only what one absolutely needs, it is worth sometimes including some extra fees that you can not use, but it makes the experience more enjoyable.
Here are some neat little indulgence.
Items are available in regional stores.
Shipping charges are not included in the price. Not-so-
Alarm clock: constantly innovating, people in sharper Image have improved on their popular small portable travel alarm clock/radio/CD, the new version offers 20 options for soothing sounds to sleep or wake up-
A thunderstorm or heartbeat in a stream in a wind Bell. The 9-inch by 6-inch by 1 3/4-inch-
The construction of Deep case has also been improved
In the Speaker, the TV audio band, the temperature display and the call time and weather function (
Press the "report" button and a woman's voice announces the trend of time and air pressure).
The device is equipped with stereo earbuds for private listening and uses six AA batteries (not included). Two button-
Battery backup battery is included.
The weight of the radio is about 2 pounds and it is easy to slip into the luggage.
CD Radio with sound/alarm clock 20 (item No. SI686)is $219.
95 from clearer images; telephone (800)344-
4444. a fragrant note on the Internet: The Music smell is an emotional booster in the can.
Open the beautiful 5-coverinch-
Diameter 1/2-inch-
Find a scented candle and a CD (no CD player)
With soft contemporary or classical music, be sure to relax on a day trip.
The combination has eight different themes, namely balance, clarity, serenity and relaxation ---
Each has a unique CD and candle scent. (
My favorite is orange, which has an orange/rosemary scented candle.
There are beautiful passages of Bach, Chopin, Vivaldi, Dvorak, Beethoven and prams in the CD. )
The candle has three Wick, bright lightto 30-hour burn time.
The CD is placed in the lid.
The music perfume candle/CD package costs $16.
Candle 99 from the earth; tel. (888)700-
7388, flying golf: sometimes it is impractical to bring your entire golf bag when traveling, especially if the plane is tightly connected and carry it with you
Depending on what you like, or what you plan to do is just a little bit of input and driving.
Alternatively, maybe you are planning to rent a club at your destination but would like to bring some of your favorite wood and iron.
This lightweight foam
Lined nylon club case for up to four clubs (
Including an oversized driver)plus a putter.
It is equipped with a removable accessory bag with three balls, a divot repair tool, marking and up to 20 T-shirts.
Portable nylon Golf (M30J)is $49. 95;
Black leather (M31JVIP), $79.
95. tools from travel; tel. (800)586-
5676, the head of the sleeper: It may look like a headwear that Batman might wear, but the dream helmet is actually a blindfold/earmuff/pillow combo that slides off your head to expose your nose and mouth.
The idea is to switch off annoying lights and sounds while buffering your noggin for a good nap.
There are six fabrics to choose from, from corduroy to crushed velvet and faux leopard skins. Dream on.
$29 dream helmet.
From Dream cloud 95; tel. (888)918-
5630. make more scents: why should air deodorant be limited to household use?
Sila car air purifier/deodorant plugs into the exit of the car lighter to neutralize the smell. (
Yes, it seems to really work. )
The rotary arm allows the unit to point in any direction.
As a fun bonus, the car purifier is equipped with a built-in
In the "incense room" and water suction pad that can be soaked with sesame oil (not included)
Have some aromatherapy on the road.
Sila car air purifier/deodorant costs $19. 95 (
Including delivery)
International Day of Lentek; tel. (888)353-6835;
Gears and gadgets appear once a month.
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