letters to the province, feb. 25, 2019: climate 'action' but no fix for polluting massey tunnel mess - purified air

by:Yovog     2021-05-18
letters to the province, feb. 25, 2019: climate \'action\' but no fix for polluting massey tunnel mess  -  purified air
Letter from the province to the editor on Monday, February. 25, 2019. Even though B. C.
Sitting on the table of the children, at carbon dioxide emissions
We still have to live in the world of NDP idealism.
The latest noggin '-
Climate Action Plan.
These people in power are pitching some sort of air purification agenda, and just south of Vancouver, there is a parking lot called the Macy's tunnel that emits carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Where is the announcement and money for the new crossing?
If the Hogan government really cares about the dirty air, they will act on this permanent idling --vehicle snarl-up.
For unnecessary and hyped Broadway Metro projects, this is funded, so there should be money for pollution congestion points like tunnels.
Prime Minister John Hogan, Treasury Secretary Carol James, and Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver, all live in the south of Vancouver Island. So I think the tunnel is a "invisible, invisible" situation.
"Hope to be out of the office soon.
On October 2017, next to the north passage of the Messi tunnel in the delta, Liberal MLA Ian Paton erected Barry Craig, accusing the NDP Prime Minister John Hogan and the Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver of the tunnel
Gerry Kahrmann/PNGHuawei, SNC-
Lavalin is different. China's interest in Huawei and SNC is very different. Lavalin.
China uses Huawei in a number of areas, one of the biggest of which is Huawei's technology to obtain 5g technology.
If Huawei is successful, it can penetrate into all levels of government, enterprises, individuals, etc. , worldwide.
China has never played a role in the administration of international law.
We should all realize and be afraid of how far the reach of Chinese influence has extended in our society.
For SNC, of course --
Lan Wanling company, I'm sure.
The company just wants to make as much money as possible.
Doug Marsden said that too many people think that such a project should also apply to humans in order to prevent an increase in the global population and lead to an increase in the greenhouse.
Taking into account its negative impact on the environment, gas emissions.
Canada's supreme civil servant, Cardinal Secretary Carl Johnson, said he was concerned that someone would be assassinated in the next political campaign, given the current state of public discussion.
I believe it's good that weenick is worried.
Because we have a federal government that does not treat all citizens equally, does not allow the flawed charter of rights of true freedom of expression and the Supreme Court that does not support the laws that we are elected to represent.
Before we have real freedom of speech, it is considered equal in the eyes of the law, and can be voted for by the people who make the law, there will always be many very angry people in this country.
On the one hand, Gary Tupper of the new Westminster company did not realize that the government was investing an additional $30 million in taxes to resolve the Fen crisis, costing a total of $0. 608 billion since 2017.
On the other hand, because a police dog apparently did not "sit" 100 on a restricted site, a judge overturned the charges against drug dealers who had taken more than 27,000 of the pills, because "his rights" were violated.
How does this produce a little common sense?
In addition to finding hidden pills in his van, we also saw a video of his confession.
That's one of the reasons why some judges are elected in the United States, not tenured appointments. S.
Bill Davis, the new WestminsterLetters to the editor should be sent to the province. com.
The edit page editor is Gordon Clark, and you can contact atgclark @ postmedia. com.
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