led facials and at-home led therapy: switch on your skincare - facial device

by:Yovog     2021-07-05
led facials and at-home led therapy: switch on your skincare  -  facial device
If the world is a brighter place, isn't that good?
At least, the beautiful world is coming as we prepare to enter the new dawn of LED lights. Natural, non-
LED light therapy is invasive and suitable for all ages, skin types and shades
Provide an aid kit for your skin, working on a range of issues ranging from promoting collagen and elastic protein to calming skin diseases from acne to eczema.
While it has been used to complement facial treatments at the most enlightened spa in the capital for a while, several models have been launched this year to make the LED our-
So is the family system.
A switch like this
The brand is Dr. Dennis Gross, who launched two LED devices this year: Full
Face spectrfaceware Pro mask and targeted Spotlite acne treatment equipment.
"Both LED light therapy and local treatment can stimulate the natural production of collagen in the body.
However, they do this by activating different types of receptors, "said Dr. Gross.
"The more receptors you activate, the more collagen you stimulate the cells.
The LED device will never replace your moisturizer or sunscreen, but you will get the most benefits by combining the LED with the local ingredients. ”The full-face mask —
In the UK, which cult beauty is currently selling £ 430 for £ 3 per day
Designed to wear only three minutes a day.
There are three options for treatment: Red light, which stimulates collagen through the depths of the skin;
Blue light, kill spots-
Cause bacteria, reduce inflammation, and prevent future outbreaks;
Combined with both, work together to smooth fine lines and improve texture and tone. The hand-held blemish-
Speed reduction pen for more pockets-
Friendly £ 58, also provides a concentrated dose of blue and red light to heal active emergencies while an emergency occurs after treatmentDark spots of acne.
Dr. Maryam Zamani, a resident facial aesthetic at London's cardogen clinic and founder of luxury skincare brand MZ Skin, also launched a light
Therapeutic instruments (£385)
Her height range
Performance Products.
Designed to use two to three times a week, from 10 minutes to 30 minutes
There are five items in the gold mask: balance and clarify the blue light;
Red to refine, plump, strengthen the skin;
Green, reduce pigmentation and brighten skin tone;
And yellow to reduce redness and inflammation.
The final setting is white light, also known as near infrared, which can repair the skin and reduce sensitivity.
"I created the mask because I believe in the power of LED therapy and witnessed the most achievable rejuvenation features of frequent use, but I know it's hard to find time at times
"There is an appointment at the clinic," Zamani said.
"The LED mask provides about the power of the machine I use in the clinic, so it is safe to use and has proven to be an amazing success --
It has become the fastest
Since its launch, sell products on our website.
"Like gross, she also recommends using effective products in each environment.
For example, her vitamin C serum is ideal under the soothing yellow light, while my CLE hands-
From the Paris brand Carita (£399)
Combine LEDs of different colors with micro current of different intensity.
When moving in different forms on the face, together with its professional serum, they are designed to deal with a range of problems ranging from lifting contours to minimizing defects.
Lighting salon-
A brand is often considered in the UK to 15-minute skin-
Renaissance treatments in places such as Harvey Nichols, hersson and bullpen --
Also ready to launch the first in-
Home equipment at the end of the month.
The Boost LED mask, which costs £ 395, is made of flexible silicone, is designed for maintenance treatment between appointments and promises to provide in-
Use salon treatment three times a week for four weeks.
Or in other words, 12 uses at home equivalent to four appointments in the salon.
But its founders believe that LED is much more than you can see on the surface.
"From our own experience and customer feedback, we know that the benefits of LED are not just skin --
Deep, "said Hannah.
Founder of light salon.
"It can also help fight stress and anxiety.
Near-infrared rays have a balanced effect on cortical hormones, while "happy" hormones such as 5-amine and dopamine are triggered by light.
Also, when you kick back, the warm lights will make you cocooned, so you can expect more Zen.
In addition, it will enhance your immune system and improve the quality of your sleep.
Lighting things.
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