leak links power lines to cancer - household electrical appliances

by:Yovog     2020-04-25
leak links power lines to cancer  -  household electrical appliances
Millions of people may face an increased risk of cancer and degenerative diseases as they are exposed to radiation from wires and household appliances.
The warning came from a leaked report prepared by the National Radiation Protection Commission, the US government's radiation consultant.
The report recommends safety limits for exposure to magnetic fields (EMFs)
This is 5000 times lower than the international recommended limit and 8000 times lower than the current British standard.
This report is a draft compiled by a committee of 11 major US EMFs experts over the past nine years, commissioned by NCRP and funded by the Environmental Protection Agency.
EPA officials say the report is the most comprehensive study ever on the health impact of low pollutionfrequency EMFs.
This discovery is a fundamental challenge for the power industry.
If their advice is accepted, the authors say, it may force "complex and expensive" changes in social electricity use.
The chairman of the committee, neurologist Ross Adrey from the California Loma Linda Veterans Affairs Medical Center, said that there is now "a lot of impressive evidence" to show that, exposure to EMFs is very low, this has subtle, long term
Long-term impact on human health.
"The sensitivity of the brain and its mechanisms to these areas is the key to understanding the problem," he told New Scientist . ".
The report highlights studies that suggest that exposure to weak EMFs interferes with the secretion of melatonin from pineal glands in the brain.
Disrupting the flow of melatonin can interfere with the formation of estrogen receptors in the breast, and researchers are looking at the possibility that this may be associated with breast cancer.
Melatonin also helps prevent molecular changes in tissues that can lead to degenerative diseases such as coronary artery disease, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease.
The report says there is strong epidemiology and laboratory evidence that children exposed to the power line EMFs are at greater risk of leukemia, adults exposed to EMFs at work are at higher risk of leukemia and brain cancer.
Other studies have shown that low exposure can help tumor growth by causing genetic or chemical damage to cells.
There is also evidence of an impact on the immune and reproductive systems.
"These findings seem to require substantial national commitment to further research, as well as serious attention from regulators and the public," the report said . ".
"A large part of the world's population may face low levels of risk.
However, the report concludes that the "universal and serious consequences" of this risk make it important for society as a whole.
The report recommends that security restrictions be adopted for future development. 2 microteslas.
This is a very weak magnetic field. there is a strong magnetic field around the Telegraph Tower and near the electrical appliance.
Where the EMF is exposed to violations of the guide, new nurseries, schools and houses should not be built, and wires should be kept away from residential areas, the report said.
The design of the office should limit the time for workers to access computers, copiers and printers to less than 0. 2 microteslas.
For existing buildings, the report presents a more pragmatic principle, similar to the radiation and colon currently accepted;
Such contact should be "as low as possible ".
It recommends that this limit be gradually reached within ten years.
According to the National Commission for radiation protection (NRPB)
, EMF exposure from 30 cm of many household appliances can exceed 0.
Usually with a large profit (see Table).
The general level in the family is usually lower, although they can reach 0. 2 microteslas.
Exposed to less than 400
The KV power cord is 40 microteslas.
To prevent electric shock and Burns, the current limit of NRPB is 1600 microtes.
Who has set a limit of 1000 microteras.
The only country with the same idea as the United States is Sweden, where government advisers suggest that new buildings built for children should not be exposed to more than 0 buildings. 2 microteslas.
The conclusion of the draft US report was leaked to Microwave News, a professional New York-based magazine.
Following the leak, NCRP President Charles mayhord issued a notice stating that the report had not gone through the council's peer review process and therefore "absolutely has no status at the moment ".
NRPB declined to comment.
It, like the UK power industry, insists that there is no established health risk for low EMFs.
But leading expert in the epa field, Robert mcgoy, said the agency will issue a comment on EMFs and cancer risk next year, drawing a "similar" conclusion to the leaked report.
Exposure to Low EMFs is, he argues, a "likely risk factor" for cancer ".
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