Kim Kardashian gets 'skin tightening' treatment in Beverly Hills... after complaining of splotchy red facial Psoriasis - at home skin tightening devices

by:Yovog     2021-06-30
Kim Kardashian gets \'skin tightening\' treatment in Beverly Hills... after complaining of splotchy red facial Psoriasis  -  at home skin tightening devices
Kim Kardashian went out of her way to make sure she was ready for the magazine cover.
Earlier this week, motherof-
Three people treated the facial psoriasis she suffered for years.
Monday night, 38-year-
The old TV star received skin tightening treatment from the nurse.
The beauty shared a video clip to social media and the nurse was using a device while lying in bed to keep up with Kardashian's star face.
Her face was full of white sticky material because she had no makeup at all and her eyebrows were very neatly trimmed.
The star pulled her hair back with a blue cloth on her chest.
Titled "skin tightening Spa Day", nurse @ karlahops @ drkanodia90210.
Dr. Raj Kanodia is a plastic surgeon who also provides treatment.
He lives in Beverly Hills and has also worked with Britney Spears, who was introduced in fashion magazine.
On his website, he said, "our compact skin laser will make your skin young, resilient and tight.
Skip the knife and love the laser!
During your consultation process, we conduct an overall assessment of your face to create a unique custom experience for your anatomical needs and personal beauty goals.
All of our treatments are tailored around the slogan "safety first" with the aim of making meaningful improvements without complications.
To achieve the best results, we routinely combine multiple therapies.
She admitted the diagnosis of psoriasis in a 2011 reality show.
Since then, Kim has used social media to show fans and followers that skin conditions don't always look the same.
On Sunday morning, the star appeared to be in a more comfortable mood, and she hugged several children on the sofa.
Sister Kourtney and grandma MJ are also with her.
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