keep your home healthy this winter - car air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-05-21
keep your home healthy this winter  -  car air purifier
If the bel gas chimney near your home worries you, you will never leave the house without checking the air --
Quality Index, this is an eye
Opening remarks: air pollution in your home may be two to five times more than outside.
Some windows are open.
Keep them tight in winter and the contaminants will get trapped, which may make your air quality 100 times worse than the outside air.
Here's how top experts suggest you manage air pollution from.
7 days, organized 7 Methods for you to check your inspection equipment carbon monoxide and smoke detectors should be installed in the central corridor and basement on each floor of your home, and smoke detectors should also be installed in each bedroom. (
Check out the local building codes for the exact location. )
If your detectors are not integrated into an anti-theft alarm system, consider upgrading to a device connected wirelessly so that if a detector is triggered, they will ring and wake up the entire home.
The OneLink Series SCO500 for the first alarm ($64; amazon. com)
For example, smoke and carbon monoxide detection are provided, and voice alerts indicate the source of the alarm.
The test of radioactive radon is an odless and invisible radioactive gas that causes cancer for a long time-This is the second one.
Major causes of lung cancer in the United States--
And was found to exist in families across the country.
Radon gas is produced by the natural decomposition of uranium in the soil.
Natural gas rises from the ground and penetrates into your house through cracks in the foundation.
Fortunately, it is easily detected.
You can buy a test kit at a hardware store for about $14, including lab fees and postagepaid mailer.
If the result shows that the gas level is higher than EPA-
Recommend 4 picocuries per liter, hire a remediation company to install a system to drain gas from your home (about $1,200).
Service your heating system with heating and air conditioning-
The air-conditioning system relies on a plumbing system to provide air that is heated or cooled, as the inability to see may mean forgetting to maintain them.
But these pipes should be cleaned every 5 to 10 years to remove dust, pet dandruff, pollen and mold that can be collected in the system, jeffrey may, from tynsboro, said.
Organic chemist indoor air quality inspector, the author of my house is killing me!
This is not a thing. it-yourself job.
You will need to hire a professional, but be aware of the company you choose.
"Pick people who use brushes instead of just using vacuum or chemicals and clean the blower unit ---and the air-
"If you have central air conditioning, air conditioning coils," May said.
If you have a central air conditioner and need to clean the blower and coil, you will pay about $500 or more.
You should also do a repair of your heating system once a year to make sure it burns clean and does not cause the exhaust to enter the house as a rear ventilation.
From Prevention: 10 strange, new suspects who can't see the toxins in your living room * more may cause breast cancer. You 've done 20 natural family treatments for health problems.
Air heating, replacing the furnace filter four times a year will not only improve the efficiency of your system, but will also greatly help to filter dust, mold spores and other contaminants.
But instead of using a standard flat fiberglass filter, choose the fold product (
They look like accordion. folded paper)with a MERV-
Class 8 and seal any clearance around the filter-
Enter the opening with tape.
Folding filters are more effective than fiberglass in capturing smaller particles that you may be inhaling.
If a family member has an allergy or chronic respiratory disease, hire a contractor to upgrade your system using a media filter such as Aprilaire
Turn the heating system into a household air purifier for air purifiers.
The cost of this project is about $1,000 and you have to replace the $50 filter every year.
Also, if you don't have a humidifier yet, please add a humidifier to the stove.
"Dry winter air dehydrate the nasal and lung lining, making it easier for people to develop asthma, congestion and viral infections," the doctor said . "
Jay Portnoy, director of allergy and asthma at Children's Charity Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri.
Clean the chimney about every 5 years and you should hire someone who sweeps the chimney to clean and check your flue.
But if your fireplace is used regularly, use it every year.
A clogged flue can lead to potentially fatal exhaust backups, which can become a fire hazard if too much flammable soot is accumulated inside.
Find and repair samples of leaks in wet areas inside your home, especially under plumbing, under attic eaves, and in the basement.
The mold will grow on any organic material (
Such as wood, wall panels, even dust)
It's been more than 72 hours wet.
When mold releases spores (
Like an invisible airborne seed)
They can cause allergies, asthma, and respiratory diseases.
If you find moisture, solve the problem immediately and then root out any mold you can see.
"It does die when the mold dries, But allergens continue to cause reactions in people who are sensitive to them ---
It may even cause allergies in people who are not yet allergic . "
Professor of allergy medicine and pediatrics Jordan Fink
The Immunology Program at the Wisconsin School of Medicine.
If you have a large fungal infection, please hire a remediation company to remove it.
Otherwise, don't N-
95 respirator, rubber gloves extending the forearm and safety goggles without ventilation holes;
Open all the windows;
And scrub the mold using a detergent containing bleach (such as Tilex) or a solution containing 1 serving of bleach to 10 parts of water.
The truth about green cleaning workers * more comes from Prevention: 10 strange that new suspects may cause breast cancer. You have committed 20 natural family treatments to treat health problems. 10 of the worst bacterial hotspots. Eliminating steam, smoke, food particles, he says, carbon monoxide from gas cooktops and any kind of food that burns on a stove
Otherwise, these particles will become the indoor air pollution that your family will breathe in for hours.
"Use high fan settings when you can stand the noise," he said . ".
"Cook on the burner at the back, if possible, so that the water can be sucked into the hood more effectively.
"If your hood blows air into the room, it just filters out grease before pouring other contaminants into your living space.
To transport the exhaust to the outside, consider installing a vent that could cost between $500 and $1,500.
Don't warm up your car in the garage.
Even if the door is open, it is possible that the deadly carbon monoxide will hover in the garage, and if it is connected, it will even spread into the house.
Wait until you paint or buy furniture, upholstery, or carpets in the spring.
These products, especially when they are new products, release volatile organic compounds such as formaldehyde, acetone, toluene and benzene.
When you can open the windows and ventilate, it is better to leave them at home.
Or buy a product without it.
VOC certification for Greenguard or Green Seal.
Never use air.
Fresh spray.
"They are the most common cause of high VOCs in houses," Dr. Jay Portnoy.
Always open the exhaust fan in the bathroom (
Even if the noise is annoying)
, Or hire an electrician to install a fan if you don't have a fan.
If there is no fan, the moisture will condense on the cold surface, including the surface hidden in the wall, thus promoting the growth of the mold.
Check if the fan is ventilated to the outside, not to the attic.
If there is moisture in the attic, the mold will also appear.
Handyman can add pipes for less than $300.
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