Just how many "brains" does a PC need? - buy electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-12-03
Just how many \
Anyway, how much "brain" does your personal computer need "?
It's not that buying a personal computer is as easy as buying an automatic toothbrush or an electric toothbrush, it's that companies that make an electronic brain or microprocessor, and for today's personal computers, it gets more complicated.
It used to be Intel (INTC. O)
As the largest chip maker of PCs central computing engine, it is also a competitor to AMD, a pioneer micro-device company.
N will sell the PCmakers version to the same chip running faster.
As far as consumers are concerned, Intel is producing Pentiumchips and AMD is producing Athlon chips.
However, this has not been there for a while, and in the past few years, the choices consumers face when buying a PC have sprung up.
As computer games become more and more mainstream, and more people make and edit digital pictures and home movies, PCscan now has a microprocessor of two brains, four brains, and soon, even more.
But does regular Joe really need that effort? up chips?
"This is an interesting question," said Tim Bajarin . "
Time technical analyst and consultant with creative strategy.
"If the basic problem is productivity such as web browsing, word processing, and e-commerce,
You don't need that much mail. A dual-
The core processor is good enough. ” Duel-
The core processor has two brains, not one.
Dual smartphone
Core Pentium and core processors and quad core processors
Core chips used by more demanding PCs, such as editing
Definition video for family vacations or intensive games.
"The base processor is like 1 when you really break it down. 3 to 1.
"6 gigs is enough," says Bajarin, noting that if you watch YouTube videos or online TV shows online, it's basically fine, although the video quality will not be the same as the ordinary TV, not to mention the high qualitydefinition TV.
AMD's website invites visitors to compare their different microprocessor products: AMD Phenom, Athlon, and Turionchips.
All of this has different clock speeds, or how fast achip can perform a given instruction or task.
On Intel's website, once you go through the seemingly simple introduction page, you will find that there are 11 different basic products to choose from, including Core 2 Extreme, Pentium Dual Core 2 dual core using Viivtechnology
Core and saiyang processors.
These are just desktop versions.
"The reason why we entered diversity
"The core world is not because we need more and more cores to do the computing work, but because Intel and AMD have no room to increase the frequency of processors," said Kay, an analyst at Endpoint Technologies . ".
Before Intel and AMD start selling two or more chips, they just speed up the transistor --
Miniature switches that make up semiconductors
Computing tasks can be processed in the past.
But as chips run at a higher and higher frequency, processors begin to use too much power and generate too much heat in narrow desktops and laptops.
So now consumers from different doubleand quad-coreofferings (
AMD sells even a processor with three brains).
And the price of personal computers from brands.
Now, the prices of famous brands range from $300 to $4,000.
End the extreme game PC.
With products like this, PC manufacturers like DellOand Hewlett-Packard Co (HPQ. N)
It is the responsibility of the processor manufacturer to divide all PCs of different types and speeds into three basic categories, which you can consider to be daily computing, some performance, and a lot of performance.
"What you get is basically good, better and best, but PC manufacturers don't like you calling it that way," Kay said . ".
For those who want to go online, watch online videos, store music and photos, watch movies, and do word processing --
Mail and keep the family budget, one with double
Analysts say AMD or Intel's Core processors should do that.
But consider a Four
Core system if you are planning to edit the HD video you shot with a HD camera, there is a beginner budding musician at home who likes to mix digital music tracks, or go into the latest hard music tracks
Core Video games that specifically tax processors and video graphics chips.
"This particular problem can almost be traced back to the beginning of computing: You basically try to buy the most powerful computing power you can afford, but with an understanding, you can expect the app bajarin to say.
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