it's time to clear the air -- and the dust bunnies - hepa air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-05-03
it\'s time to clear the air -- and the dust bunnies  -  hepa air purifier
Allergic patients can take simple but effective measures to mitigate their reactions to some of the most common allergens in the home: dust and dust, mold and animal dandruff.
The bedroom is the first place to fight against dust and tiny creatures known as dust mites.
Mattresses and pillows should be designed to capture dust.
Packaging is a fabric. coated zip-
Bag placed between mattress and bed sheet or between pillow and pillowcase.
It should not be removed or cleaned as this will release the trapped mites.
Other bedding should be cleaned once a week, but be aware that more than 150 degrees of water will kill mites, but most household washing machines will not reach these temperatures.
You can bring bedding to a commercial machine, or use a prepared laundry additive to make the dust grain allergen transgender.
Do not dry the sheets outdoors; use the dryer.
Bedding can collect pollen and spores if placed outside.
Next, buy a high
Efficient particle trap in bedroom or efficient air purifier.
HEPA filter recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (www. epa. gov)
As the most effective home Air
A cleaning system for capturing most types of dust.
They stood up.
Can be installed separately or installed on central heating equipment
Air conditioning for thousands of dollars.
If you can't afford it, place a dust filter on your air duct.
You can also professionally clean your air pipes.
Children with allergies should ideally stay away from plush toys.
However, if they don't have the heart to give up, wash the toys (
If the label allows)
Put them in a zip plastic bag and outside the kids room.
Open the bag during game time, but don't let the child bring the stuffed animal into the bedroom.
The carpet should be removed.
If this is not possible, invest in a vacuum cleaner with an efficient air filter.
Vacuum at least twice a week and wear a dust mask when doing so.
For Windows, use blinds instead of curtains or curtains.
Vertical blinds will reduce areas where dust gathers.
Wipe the blinds with a damp cloth every week.
Other tips: Don't fill the closet with clothes and shoes.
For the living room, try to buy leather furniture;
Avoid buying too much furniture.
Throw away the gadgets or put them in a glass box.
The next step is to fight mold allergy.
Mold is caused by excessive humidity or humidity.
Humidity can be measured by a humidity meter;
There should be about 40% in the bedroom.
The dehumidifier can help if it is too high. (
One of the benefits of humidity reduction is that it also hinders the growth of the powder mites, because the powder mites like moisture. )
Some molds can be washed off with mild bleachand-
An aqueous solution or a cleaner like Tilex.
Clean the shower and bathroom tiles once a week.
After the shower, dry the wall with a cloth or towel.
Don't put wet towels in the basket.
When mold is suspected under walls or floors, please call the environmental contractor.
A remediation company may need to be introduced.
Another common allergen is animal dandruff: dead skin, hair and skin oil that fall off the animal.
Although pets are essentially allergen factories, Dr. Beverly Hills allergy expert said: "Most people get rid of boyfriends and girlfriends before they get rid of pets . "Stuart Epstein.
However, if you decide to break up with your pet, please note that your allergy does not disappear immediately: the allergen may last for six months after the animal has left.
If you are more likely to have pets, it is better to keep them outside the bedroom.
If they have to sleep there, give them a bed away from you.
Put your pet outside if possible.
Cleaning pets in products like Allerpet can help reduce the amount of dandruff.
Attention to animal weight can also help, says Epstein, as obese pets are more than healthy pets.
Many people are also allergic to saliva from animals,
If you are one of them, don't let your pet lick you, and don't touch the place on the body it just licked.
Always wash your hands with soap and water after touching your pet.
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