Is a Sonic Toothbrush Better Than an Electric Toothbrush? - electric toothbrush sale

by:Yovog     2021-10-28
Is a Sonic Toothbrush Better Than an Electric Toothbrush?  -  electric toothbrush sale
The dentist will tell you that the best toothbrush is the one you actually use.
But they will say that the larger the coverage of brushing your teeth, the more destructive homes that remove bacteria from plaque, the more likely you are to avoid tooth decay and disease.
In addition to effective help with good brushing of teeth for people with disabilities or arthritis, electric toothbrushes and sonic toothbrushes will get better coverage and brushing effectto-
Enamel time recommended by dentist-
At least two minutes.
History electric toothbrush technology has been around 50 years old, and some electric toothbrushes today have hardly changed in the basic rotation movement of toothbrushes.
Increasing vibration, oscillation and any other movement to provide better coverage should result in better tooth cleaning and plaque removal.
So when it comes to the types of electric toothbrushes purchased, the more actions the better.
Other features such as timers, power ratings, or rechargeable batteries may or may not help any particular user.
Importantly, because the amount of exercise and coverage of brushing teeth is the main factor in preventing tooth decay, the comparison of electric toothbrushes and sonic toothbrushes for these factors should reveal which one may be a better choice.
Both traditional electric toothbrushes and sonic toothbrushes have the function of rotation and oscillation to remove plaque.
This difference is related to brushing speed and coverage.
The rotating speed of the type electric toothbrush is often between 2,500 and 7,500 per minute, while the rotating speed of the manual toothbrush is only 300.
According to the animation, the sonic brush is estimated to have 30,000 brushes per minuteTeeth. com website. That extra-
Fast movement means that using a sonic-type toothbrush, even a short brushing time, will do more work compared to a standard electric toothbrush, and leave manual brushing in the dust.
Another feature of the sonic type brush is the high
The speed rotation sets the wave motion, which extends about 1/8 outside the actual brush contact point.
This means brushing your teeth covers more surfaces, which is an added advantage for those who have difficulty getting along the gum line and where the teeth and bridges work.
Accelerating the pressure of the liquid and bubbles around the brush increases the fluid dynamics further than the actual brush.
Because the coverage of the sonic toothbrush has increased, and it has increased significantly --
Brushing your teeth quickly and the time spent using a sonic toothbrush seems to lead to more brushing and better dental hygiene.
While the full coverage of brushing your teeth can be done with a manual or traditional electric brush, the sound selection seems to be the best fit.
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