Invention: Anti-scar bandage - best toothbrush in the world

by:Yovog     2022-04-22
Invention: Anti-scar bandage  -  best toothbrush in the world
The scar of Justin MullinsKeloid is an angry red lesion, sometimes formed after surgery or injury, and when the skin is "over-healed", additional tough areas of the new skin are created.
Dermatologists believe that in the healing process caused by tissue in the patient's movement or swelling, one factor in their formation is stretching.
As a result, Jeff guertner of Stanford University Medical Center in California and his colleagues have developed bandages that can prevent this stretch.
Their bandages are made of "shape memory" polymers that form rigid shapes after applying the wound.
They are fixed in place using a strong adhesive, or they are stitched or stitched during surgery.
The team tested the idea on mice and said it could significantly reduce the number of scars by keeping the healing tissue firm.
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Patent application for scar bandage.
Cars have been using high for years-
Rely on water droplets to move at high speed to replace the pressure hose for dirt.
Many people want to use their teeth to remove food, bacteria and plaque from their teeth.
However, consumer electronics company Philips said that stepping on the line between damaging the mouth and completely ineffective depends on the distance between the nozzle and the tooth.
The company designed a spray head with several probes in front.
Users can make sure that the head distance is optimal by simply putting these things on their teeth.
The company seems to be planning a toothbrush with a built-in spray.
Another Philips patent describes a sensor used to spray a toothbrush that reflects the beam onto the enamel to measure the level of cleanliness so that the user can be told when to stop.
Another patent describes a spray version of the temperature controlled by the user.
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Pressure spray toothbrush, cleaning tooth detector and temperature-
Patent application.
In recent years, neuroscientists have begun to use techniques such as functional MRI and magnetic brain imaging to explore the connection between the brain and the brain to show how specific brain regions "light up" in specific activities.
However, the spatial resolution of these technologies is limited, resulting in a lack of detail in the image.
In addition, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measures the filling of oxygen in the blood rather than directly measuring the activation of neurons at a rather slow rate.
Injecting voltage into neurons
When brain cells "fire" provides faster reading, sensitive dyes change colorout.
However, the dye can only be injected into a small area, and this process often damages the tissue.
Now, Martin Fisher of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, has developed a new imaging technology.
It takes advantage of the fact that when a neuron is ignited, the light pulse changes through the channel of the neuron.
By tapping the brain with carefully selected light pulses and observing how they are altered by tissue, it is possible to read out the activity of neurons.
Fisher said the new form of imaging has spatial resolution on the sub-micro scale and takes snapshots only a few milliseconds apart.
However, light can only penetrate a few millimeters into the brain at most.
Fisher says this is enough to study most of the cerebral cortex where the brain is more functional.
It should also be enough to imagine the brain of the whole mouse or mouse.
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Patent application mapping optical pulse. Plasma-
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