International students face transitional and financial challenges - where can i buy a boot dryer

by:Yovog     2022-08-26
International students face transitional and financial challenges  -  where can i buy a boot dryer
When Regina got off the plane, sumeda majudar arrived at a place she didn't know alone.
What she did was a Facebook message from the Indian student association at the University of Regina, assuring her that they would pick her up.
As a student who came to R university in December for a master's degree in computer science, Majumdar is not familiar with the city and culture.
It turned out that the Indian student association was her lifeline and helped her through the difficult first few days of the transition.
"I have no one in Regina, so I just informed them via Facebook that I will be coming at this time and they pick me up from the airport, even showed me where I could go in the first place, like shopping, or going to the nearest bank, and the basic necessities. "
"It really helped me or I would have to do everything on my own.
Bhamandeep Singh, president of the Indian Student Association, said it was something he often helped.
Before they leave India, he said, students often send messages or text messages to the association looking for people who pick them up at the airport or help them find a place to live.
The association provided assistance in the first few days of the arrival of new students, and then provided support in r u.
Over the past decade, the number of international students at R University has steadily increased, from 932 (accounting for the total number of students) to 2,473 (accounting for the total number of students) from 2009 to 2018 ).
Livia Castellanos, vice president of Regina International University, said India is the most common country of origin, accounting for about half of all international students, although China and Nigeria are also popular.
The most common colleges that students come to are science, business, engineering, and art.
While more and more students choose to leave their home country to go to R university for education, the initial transition period is quite shocking for students.
"Students are making cultural changes, language changes, their entire set of values and the whole set of experiences they have gained from their country . . . . . . Livia Castellanos, vice president of Regina International University, said.
"These settlements and transition points are difficult for people to understand and to really adapt.
"The cold weather also made some people get used to it.
Hassan Sidiqui, president of the Pakistan Student Association, said that students often send him messages from Pakistan asking what kind of clothes they should bring for a cold climate.
He told them to buy things when they arrived in province.
He said with a smile: "No matter what you bring from Pakistan, it doesn't help because they don't know what it looks like, "Recalling the brand new leather jacket he brought as a Grade 11 student when he first moved from Pakistan to Regina.
Instead, Siddiqui will help them buy winter boots and jackets once they arrive in the city.
As a student in the last semester of the Diploma in Business Administration, Singh knows how difficult this shift is.
The biggest challenge for international students, he said, is to learn a new academic system and find a part.
Time to work to pay high tuition fees.
"The first is to adapt to the learning system we have here, because it is completely different in India, so first of all they actually spend a lot of time building their own curriculum," he said, "with the professor.
Majumdar agreed, noting that the dialogue between students and professors was not very open in India.
It took some time to get used to it, but Majumdar said she enjoyed going straight to the professor if she had any questions in class.
Among all universities in Canada, many international students may choose U of R because schools are known for personalized student support, Castellanos said.
She said that all members of the UR international team used to be international students, so they knew what the experience was like.
While student support and academics may be the reason why international students come to the United States, high tuition fees are also part of this experience.
Like most Canadian universities, Castellanos said that international students cost three times as much per course as domestic students at R university, with an average of $650 in courses becoming nearly $2,000 in courses
Sometimes this financial burden forces students to change their original study plan.
"Our tuition continues to grow and students are facing an unknown increase in tuition and they can't afford it," she said . ".
"Their goal is to get a degree, but unfortunately, after a year or a year and a half, you know, (some people) are facing challenges in paying tuition fees, so, they will graduate with a certificate or diploma.
Siddiqui said that some Pakistani students sent him a message before they came to R university asking if they could just pick up a part to pay for the tuition --
Work during the school year.
He told them not to, they need to have some savings in advance.
"It's about $12,000 a semester, right? so it's a lot of money.
"Once you 've completed a degree, like a four-year, four-and-a-half-year degree, it's easy to have about $100,000," he said . ".
But even if a part is picked up
Time work to help pay has proven to be a challenge for many students.
"Regina is a small city so you don't have that many job opportunities, so it's actually hard for some students to find a job in Regina," Singh said . ".
The witnesses face complete.
Despite her ability to pay for tuition, she has always wanted to find a job so that she doesn't have to rely on the support of her parents as much as she does at home.
After applying for some jobs, she has not yet found a job.
Despite the transition and financial challenges, Singh and majudar are still happy that they chose to study in the United States.
"You met new people, you have new ideas, you can share the experience," Majumdar said . ".
"It was a new experience for me, so I enjoyed it.
Singh said that with all the cultural events organized by the Indian student association, he was able to keep in touch with his home culture while learning about Canadian culture and meeting new people.
Castellanos is pleased to see that so many international students have chosen U of R because it brings diversity to the school and benefits everyone on campus.
"It provides a global experience for Saskatchewan students from our province, a different experience, a unique experience," she said . ".
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