Imagine leaving your house and seeing this... Beijing chokes in toxic air as 'smog season' begins - silent air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-10-11
Imagine leaving your house and seeing this... Beijing chokes in toxic air as \'smog season\' begins  -  silent air purifier
As winter approaches, residents of many Chinese cities are once again prepared to fight toxic pollution.
According to the People's Daily Online, the capital Beijing has been shrouded in heavy fog for the past two days, with visibility down to 100 (328 feet ).
The latest photos taken today show that the city of 21 million people is crowded with toxic air, and residents wear masks while walking on the streets.
It is reported that the city's meteorological bureau issued a warning of fog and smog in the early morning of November 4.
Standing on Kingsoft Park, a vantage point to admire the Forbidden City, one can hardly identify the outline of the top roof of the former imperial building, as shown in the photo
It is predicted that visibility will be around 1 kilometer in most parts of Beijing.
Some areas are as low as 100 metres (328 feet kilometres ).
Orange smoke alarm has been issued, this is the second time
The highest of four.
Pollution system.
Beijing's annual "smog season" usually begins in winter.
Billy Zi, a Beijing resident, told the Daily Mail today: "The air quality was good last week, but it was bad today.
Everyone is waiting for the wind to disperse the smog.
He said he had stopped leaving the office during his lunch break.
"When I breathe, I can feel the air getting stronger and stronger --
Typical Beijing flavor
"I started wearing masks," he added . "
Mr. Qi said the media gave a different explanation of the cause of the pollution.
First, he said, it was due to the burning of crops in nearby Hebei province, followed by heavy industry, followed by private cars and heaters.
Earlier this year, Wang Fei, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission, said in an interview with People's Network that Beijing's smog was mainly caused by the use of cars and the burning of coal.
Beijing has faced increasing smog problems in the past few years.
The capital is often listed as one of the most polluted cities in China.
Worst of all, tiny readings of toxic pm2. 5.
Through the capital, five particles reached a height of 600 micrograms per cubic meter, while the World Health Organization's safety level was 25.
When a red smog alert was issued, schools were forced to shut down and cars were banned from the road.
For residents, however, they are trapped at home and constantly check the air quality to see if they can resume their daily lives.
The low-key mask has become a necessity, and the purchase of home air purifiers has also increased.
Spencer Musk, 28year-
Old Americans who have been living in the city for the past two years told the Daily Mail earlier that smog was the worst in the winter of 2015.
He said: "For a few days, the air quality near my house in central Beijing has not dropped below 600.
My air purifier has turned red all the time, like saying "you shouldn't be here and leave right away.
"Many people don't realize that the city is also shrouded in a psychological shadow in severe smog.
People on crowded subways are more aggressive than usual.
A few weeks ago, the clerk in my Alley was very friendly and just frowned instead of talking back to me. 'Min Rui, a 27-year-
Old Chinese reporters from Beijing say smog can be unbearable at times. The smog was very serious last winter.
I remember one time I went to work at four o'clock A. M. and looked like a scene in the movie Silent Mountain.
To address Beijing's notorious air pollution problem, the Beijing Urban Planning Commission announced on February that Beijing would establish a network of five "ventilation corridors.
Huge passages will be built using parks, rivers, lakes, highways and low building blocks, each of which is 500 m (1,640 feet) wide ).
In September 29, an invention called "smog-free Tower" was installed in a park in central Beijing to try to cope with the upcoming pollution season.
The structure is called "the largest air purifier in the world" by 37-year-
Old Dutchman rose
Greenpeace reported on July 20 that air pollution levels in nearly three Chinese cities rose in the second quarter.
Air quality is deteriorating year by yearon-
Annual of 103 cities in April
30% of cities were monitored in June.
However, pm2. 5 in Beijing
Level 5 fell by 6. 9% to 59.
In the same period, 2 micrograms per cubic meter, year on year.
The upper limit recommended by the World Health Organization is an average of 25 micrograms per 24 hours and an average of 10 micrograms per year.
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