humble spider plant is nature's air purifier - indoor air purifier

by:Yovog     2019-07-07
humble spider plant  is nature\'s air purifier  -  indoor air purifier
Spider plant crane can't laugh out.
This is probably the candidate for the "most boring indoor plants in the World" award, but it does have a huge fortune. Those messy-looking cream-and-
Green leaves can actually remove the chemical toxins from our home.
NASA astronauts tested in space with a humble spider factory and found it capable of purifying bad air.
Common contaminants-such as formaldehyde in filling foam sofas, trihalmethane in paint and glue and benzene in tobacco smoke and some detergents-are caught and absorbed by leaves.
Then they were repeated like oxygen.
Other advantages: easy to grow, lack of light resistance, interesting to watch (
Often produce "baby" at the end of its long stem ").
It's also a great cat pacifier.
My five kittens like to chew and play with raspberries, rustling leaves in the boring winter indoors.
I allow this rough treatment because it doesn't really hurt the plant (or the cats).
A common complaint of spider plants is that their tip turns yellow.
This means you need to drink plenty of water or there is too much direct sunlight.
It often happens to me (
Because I am lazy to water).
But I just cut off the brown part and let this eco-friendly assistant keep working and clean my indoor air quietly.
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