how to properly and effectively brush and floss teeth - best electric toothbrush for gums

by:Yovog     2022-09-18
how to properly and effectively brush and floss teeth  -  best electric toothbrush for gums
Everyone knows we should brush our teeth twice a day, but how many people really know how to brush their teeth correctly.
This article will tell you the right way to brush your teeth and clean your teeth with dental floss so that you can stay away from toothache. Copyright (c)
2008 Robert Sifer we have been reminded of the importance of oral hygiene since we were children.
It does not seem that only children should receive reminders, but also adults.
Good oral hygiene has great benefits for both individuals and society.
That's why it's important to know the right way to effectively clean and clean your teeth.
It is recommended that you brush at least twice a day-
Once in the morning, once in the evening before going to bed.
Floss should also be part of bathroom habits before you go to bed at night.
These oral hygiene activities will help to promote the health of teeth and gums, prevent periodontal diseases and keep the mouth free of odor
Causing bacteria
Because bacteria in the mouth can cause most teeth problems, it is very important to keep this place clean every time.
Here are the steps for how to clean your teeth by brushing your teeth and floss.
The right way to brush your teeth-
Choose a soft, circular toothbrush with bristles so that you do not scratch and damage the enamel part of your teeth and the gums. -
Ask your dentist which toothpaste works best for you, or you can continue to pick up the toothpaste that contains fluoride. -
Warm mouthwash should be good. -
Place the brush 45 degrees from the bottom of the gums.
Focus on areas where teeth and gums meet.
This is mainly the area where bacteria gather. -
For the front teeth, gently up and down some strokes and mini round strokes on the teeth.
You can cover 2 teeth per wheel. -
The angle of the brush is slightly higher to reach the back of the front teeth.
Half of your brush should be the upper and lower strokes covering the gums and teeth. -
Go to the back teeth, you should push hard, but still be careful to use a round brush stroke on it. -
Brush both sides-
The cheek side and tongue side of the internal teeth on the gum line are very gentle, with the same upper and lower strokes and round strokes. -
If you have a tongue scraper, gently scrape the back of your tongue.
The stroke will be outward from the back end of the tongue to the opening. -
Mouthwash if you want. -
Clean the toothbrush thoroughly with running water. Let it air-dry.
Be careful not to expose it to other toothbrushes to prevent the spread of bacteria.
You may already know the right way to floss, as this is a simple process.
Just remember to be careful where the gums are, because there is very delicate tissue there. -
Snap at least 18 inch floss and wrap your index finger with both ends so there will be about 2 inch floss between your hands
Slide the floss into the teeth one by one until the gums reach your teeth. -
Scrape the inside of the tooth with a vertical stroke, take away any food that is still stuck there and the formation of any plaque --up. -
Be careful not to use dental floss, especially on the gum line, to protect the gums from any damage. -
You can use dental floss to clean your teeth before or after brushing your teeth.
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