how to make your vacuum last - hepa air filter replacement

by:Yovog     2023-01-19
how to make your vacuum last  -  hepa air filter replacement
In order to keep a clean house with good indoor air quality, you need to vacuum it at least once a week. High-
Traffic areas may need to be hit more frequently and if you have heavy traffic areas you may even have to drag the vacuum out every dayshedding pets—
For example, a golden retriever or a coon cat (
By the way, this is a cat whose hair consumers report to be used in our hard-working pets
Hair Vacuum Test).
Running these numbers, you can speed up the vacuum anywhere between 50 and 300-
More than a year.
Even if you are careful to avoid sharp objects, this can cause a lot of wear and tear, which can be murder on a vacuum fan or motor.
That's why maintenance is very important for getting the maximum life from a vacuum, with the least number of trips to the repair shop.
Here's how to keep your vacuum going with a checklist from our vacuum lab experts.
Remember to always unplug the vacuum before doing any work.
Step 1: Do not overfill whether you are a bagged or bag-free vacuum cleaner, do not fill the bag or trash can.
In addition to blocking the internal work of the vacuum, including its motor, this can cause dust and other particles to be discharged back into the air you breathe.
Using a bag-free vacuum cleaner, it is good practice to empty the bin after each use.
Many machines have a max line as a useful reminder if you can't empty the bin.
As for the bagged vacuum cleaner, the first choice in our vacuum rating has a complete
Bag indicator that tells you when to empty the bag.
If you have an old machine that doesn't have this feature, you have to rely on the extrusion test.
A marked drop in suction is another sign that the filter bag is full.
Step 2: cleaning filters most vacuum cleaners have two or three filters including a pre-filter
Motor filters, designed to protect the motor from dirt and dust, as well as exhaust filters to prevent particles from being released back into the room.
Check your owner's manual for the type and location of filters on the machine.
In most cases, the filter can be manually cleaned with cold water.
To maintain their shape and effectiveness, handle them gently
Don't screw.
Then, let the filter air dry for 24 hours before re-inserting the filter into the filter holder.
If your vacuum has an efficient air filter, it may not be able to clean in the water.
Instead, you need to clean or replace it according to the schedule in your owner's manual.
Step 3: over time, your vacuum electric brush will be wrapped around hair, rope and other fibers, especially if you have a long time
Pets or craftsloving kids (
Think about things like yarn, hemp thread).
Serious winding can hinder cleaning performance and also bring extra pressure to the motor.
Turn the vacuum head over every few weeks to make the bottom up and check the brush.
If there is a winding, loosen the locking mechanism, whether it is a screw or a latch, which is fixed to the brush cover.
Remove debris from around the brush with your hands.
You may need to cut your hair and string with scissors and pick it out with your fingers.
After completion, lock the bottom plate back into place.
If your vacuum has an electric manual tool, use the same process to keep it clean and tangledfree.
Step 4: dredge the HoseNow and then check the vacuum hose for the blockage is worth it.
This is also a common trouble-shooting measure if the vacuum loses suction.
First release the hose from the vacuum and brush attachment.
Stretching the hose to a maximum length may be enough to unlock any blockage.
Alternatively, you can pass the broom gently through the hose to eliminate any blockage.
Do not insert sharp objects into the hose, otherwise you will venture to pierce the side wall and you will be in danger of replacing it at this time.
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