how to keep office allergies at bay - auto air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-06-02
how to keep office allergies at bay  -  auto air purifier
Are you allergic to your office?
A new report from Allergy UK says poor ventilation, lack of cleanliness and even your pet --
Having a colleague can cause runny nose and sneezing.
The organization conducted a study involving 1,003 British office workers, mainly allergic patients.
It is reported that the most allergic symptoms are headache and lethargy, and more than 25 of the respondents said they were more allergic at work.
In addition, 62% of respondents experienced itchy eyes or tears in their offices last year, and 27% had difficulty breathing.
According to the survey, 42% said they took sick leave last year due to allergies.
"It is difficult for individuals to have the same control over the workplace as at home," said Maureen Jenkins, director of clinical services . ".
"In public places, the management of allergies is becoming more and more difficult.
Hot spots around the office are reported to include: Ventilation: whether it's a window, a vent or an air conditioning system, workers should make sure there is clean air around them.
In the survey, only 15% of contributors said their offices were well ventilated.
Carpets: carpets and soft furniture are home to house dust allergens, and about 90% of office staff report carpet laying in their workplace.
Bookshelves: 54% of respondents said their bookshelves are open and contain dust and allergens.
PLANTS: plants in the office can sneeze at homeinducing molds.
Printers: printers and copiers emit smoke, which can cause adverse allergic reactions to some people.
Your co-workers can even trigger your reaction, especially if you are allergic to pets and sit 1 m away from each other. Anti-
The British Allergy Society recommends keeping personal desktop space clean and tidy and damp to help reduce allergic reactions in the office
Dust twice a week.
You can also consider buying an air purifier for your desk to help remove allergens such as pollen, mold and dust.
For office plants, be sure to keep watering and regularly remove the soil at the top to control the mold.
Take the coat from your table and other high
Traffic areas to prevent the release of dust and allergens into the air and to drink plenty of water all day.
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