How to Clean Your Uggs - the best boot dryer

by:Yovog     2022-09-03
How to Clean Your Uggs  -  the best boot dryer
Ugg is a Boots brand made in Australia and is now popular all over the world.
Because its lining is sheepskin, it can adjust your body temperature, so it can be worn all year round.
Treat with sheepskin protection before and after use to prevent damage to your Uggs.
This will protect them from the penetration of stains, dirt, water and snow [
Source: UGG Australia].
Often re-apply the protective agent, especially when you wear your boots, the boots are soaked.
Try not to wear your Uggs where possible damage.
Never wash your Uggs in the washing machine, and don't dry them in the dryer!
Cleaning suede Uggs: cleaning knit Uggs: you can buy Ugg care kit including cleaner, protector, smell freshener, and you can also buy regular products at any shoe store.
Instead of using a freshener, you can sprinkle baking soda in your Uggs to get rid of the bad smell.
If the worn eraser does not remove the stain, you can try to wipe the stain with a solution equal to white vinegar and water.
Just soak a clean white rag in the solution and gently wipe the stain [Source: Stewart.
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