How to Clean the Odor Inside of Your Steel-Toe Boots - the best boot dryer

by:Yovog     2022-09-01
How to Clean the Odor Inside of Your Steel-Toe Boots  -  the best boot dryer
Toe boots are designed to protect the toes from damage.
Steel is placed in the fabric of the boots to protect the toes from falling or sharp objects.
Regardless of the material used to build the inside of the boot, it may begin to produce an unpleasant smell over time. Steel-
Toe Boots are usually expensive, so it's unlikely you'll want to throw them away once they start smelling.
Step 1 if the shoe insoles are removable, take them out.
Wash your hands in warm water with a gentle laundry detergent, then rinse with clear water to remove any soap residue. Often the odor-
Causing the bacteria in the boot to get stuck in the insole, so cleaning the insole may completely eliminate the smell.
Step 2 mix warm water with a few drops of baby shampoo or gentle shampoo, then thoroughly clean the inside of the boot with a rag and soapy water.
Fill the inside of the boots with clear water, rinse them clean until no more suds show up, then dry the inside of the boots with a clean rag and leave them ventilated --dry completely.
Step 3. fill two socks with a few tablespoons of baking soda.
Tie the ends of the socks and put them in the boots for the night.
Baking soda can remove the smell and freshness inside the boot.
Step 4, place your boots in a large zip plastic bag and in the refrigerator.
Put them there for the night and then take off the boots the next day.
The freezing temperatures killed the bacteria in the boots that caused them to smell.
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