how the slingshot water purifier works - the air purifier

by:Yovog     2021-02-24
how the slingshot water purifier works  -  the air purifier
Stirling generator slingshot does not scrub pollutants--
From the culprit of cholera to typhoid-
Free from the water.
It needs electricity.
Not much electricity though--
About 1 KW, just coffee
Requirements of the manufacturer.
But it's hard to find electricity where clean water is needed.
In a city with a power grid, the purifier can be plugged into a wall socket.
If there is no power grid, the purifier can be plugged into the diesel generator, which is many off-
Power equipment is used in power grid hospitals.
But diesel is impractical in remote deserts or jungle, and Carmen may suggest using his Stirling engine.
The Stirling engine only needs one hot and cold source to work.
Hot and cold expansion compressed gas makes the piston pump run.
You can see how they work in articles on how the Stirling engine works.
Like Carmen, the design that requires heat can burn almost anything, from kerosene to methane that breaks down the feces of cows.
They can use air as a cold source.
Therefore, the materials running these Stirling engines can be found almost anywhere.
Sterling is more than one engine. -
This is also a generator. (
The engine converts fuel into motion and the generator converts motion into electricity. )
Kamen's Stirling engine can generate electricity with additional components.
When the piston pumps of the engine run, they turn a magnetic rotor.
The rotor rotates in the circle of metal wire to generate current [
Source: Van Arsdell].
When running on a Stirling generator, the slingshot inserts it with a power cord [source: Kamen].
Kamen's version of Stirling produces 1 KW--
Running water purifier enough 【source: Kamen].
But the two devices may be combined more harmoniously.
When the generator burns the fuel, it generates a lot of extra heat. -
85% of them were not used.
However, hot air enters the purifier when the generator and purifier are connected through the pipe.
There it can work, heat the water that enters, surround the purifier like a jacket, in [source: Kamen].
With the help of the generator, the purifier is more efficient.
The Stirling engine is difficult to manufacture because some concepts are difficult to execute and are challenging for the general public
Produce them at an affordable rate.
But some companies are selling the Stirling engine and DEKA (
A research and development company founded by Kamen)
I hope it's designed to make it easier.
Source: WhisperGen].
Now that we know what a slingshot is and know a way of powering it, let's take a look at why it's attractive to a village that needs clean water.
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