How many species live in the sea? - best toothbrush in the world

by:Yovog     2022-04-21
How many species live in the sea?  -  best toothbrush in the world
How many species does Catherine blachic have in the sea?
So far, about 230,000 entries have been recorded, all of which will be available to anyone soon when the mouse is clicked.
The World Register of Marine Species was launched today by the census of marine life.
Once completed, it will provide the first final list of all known species in the world's oceans.
The register is available online for free, including descriptions of species and photos.
It will enable the public and scientists to identify the species they encounter and easily identify the brand new species.
So far, the census is incomplete, with a focus on a single species or region, making it difficult to properly assess the human impact on the oceans.
"Convincing warnings about the decline in fish and other marine species must rely on an effective census," said Mark Costello of the University of Auckland . "
Founder of World registration
Jesse osumbel of the Sloan Foundation, which funded the census of marine life, said that for the first time in 2000 he was impressed by the need to catalog marine species, when he realized that the global biodiversity assessment of the United Nations Environment Programme had little information about living in the oceans.
Ausubel asked the author of the report's only chapter, "marine life," Frederick Grasse of the University of Rutgers, USA, how many species are in the sea.
He was told that the best estimate was between 1 and 10 million.
"I asked him if he could at least give me a list of species known at the time," osumbel said . ".
Grasler was embarrassed to admit that he could not.
"In 2000, we know how it is possible that there is no list of things that live in the ocean?
The miracle of osumbel.
Since then, the census of marine life has created such a list.
With the help of experts around the world, they are taking pains to review and compile published records of marine species.
Most of the work is focused on identifying species with different names that are actually the same.
Sperm whales, for example, were found to have 4 different Latin names, one sponge species-56 breadcrumbs sponges.
So far, the catalogue contains 122,000 species, about half of the estimated 230,000 known species.
It should be completed by 2010.
But millions of marine species remain to be discovered.
Meeting in Belgium on the 20 th
In June 21, oceanologists discussed the estimate of the total number of marine species by Grassle, estimated at 1 to 10 million species.
"We think millions of dollars are reasonable," said Ausubel . " Experts don't know what the cap is, he added.
The group hopes to make a more informed guess once they have completed the catalogue already described.
The mystery of the deep sea-the deep sea is one of the worst habitats on Earth, but it is also home to many extraordinary creatures.
Learn more in our comprehensive thematic report.
Endangered species-learn more about protecting war in our comprehensive special report.
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