How Diabetes Affects Your Oral Health - professional electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-06-23
How Diabetes Affects Your Oral Health  -  professional electric toothbrush
Diabetes can affect your oral health in ways you don't expect.
First of all, when you have diabetes, it is difficult for your body to resist infection, including gum disease.
"Uncontrolled blood sugar reduces the healing response, which makes it more difficult to repair the gums and resist infection," the doctor said . "Benjamin A.
Laurel of Maine cosmetic dentistry near Portland, Maine.
"The mouth is the gateway to the body and the perfect environment for bacterial reproduction.
"Then the bacteria can settle in the gums.
A healthy body is more likely to fight against bacteria, but a body with a disease (
Such as diabetes)
Or inflammation can not easily fight against bacteria.
This could turn into a gum infection, said Lawler. [
SEE: 10 amazing habits to kill your teeth. ]
The doctor said that without proper treatment, this could lead to more serious gum disease, known as periodontal disease, which eventually results in tissue damage and even tooth shedding
Catiya Friedman, owner of Friedman Dental Group, has several locations in South Florida.
"Millions of people don't know that they have this serious infection, and if they don't treat it, it can cause teeth to fall off," she said . ".
The link between oral health and diabetes also works in turn-
In other words, severe infection can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels.
"This means that not only does diabetes make infection more difficult to fight, but serious gum disease can also make it more difficult to control," Friedman said . ".
In addition, high blood sugar provides an environment for bacteria to grow more easily.
"Having higher blood sugar can increase the availability of sugar and allow bacteria to approach
The gums are constantly being damaged because of the constant supply of food, "said Lawler.
There are other ways to make untreated diabetes affect your oral health, says Friedman.
Your mouth may be dry so that you have a higher risk of tooth decay.
Wounds in the mouth may be harder to heal, and you may have problems when you taste food.
There are some ways to take better care of your teeth and mouth when you have diabetes.
Control blood sugar.
Friedman says this is a great help to improve oral health.
If you have difficulties, please help with your healthcare professionals and diabetes educators in this area. [
SEE: 10 healthy dental habits of dental hygienists. ]
Pay attention to signs of gum disease.
"The earliest warning of gum disease is bleeding from the gums after brushing their teeth or dental floss," Lawler said . ".
Gum disease will also make your gums look bright red;
In addition, there is a unique smell of gum disease, he added.
Other signs of gum disease shared by Friedman include :--
The gums that fall off your teeth cause your teeth to look longer than before. --
Loose or separate teeth. --
You have sore in your mouth. --
When you bite, the way your teeth are combined has changed. --
Change of local dentures.
The good news is that in your oral care program, most gum diseases can disappear with a little more vigilance.
"Thoroughly brushing your teeth and using dental floss usually takes a few weeks to reverse most of the early stages of gum disease," said Lawler . ".
Other than that, however, you 'd better go to the dentist.
If your gum disease cannot be controlled by better brushing your teeth and floss, you may need to do cleansing, a way to remove plaque and tartar from below the gum line;
Either root planing, Friedman says, it can smooth the root and help the gums re-attach to the teeth.
Other treatments include lasers that help destroy bacteria and the use of antibiotics under the gums.
More advanced cases may require gum surgery.
See a dentist every four to six months.
"This is really the only way we can ensure gum health and avoid potential bone loss," said Lawler . ".
Your dentist can take X.
Check the lost light of the bone and arrange regular cleaning.
"Cleaning will wash out the home of bacteria and stimulate the gums to improve health," he said . ".
Doing these checks every few months is a good time to let your dentist know about any changes in medication and any changes in blood sugar control.
"Postpone any non-
"If your blood sugar is not well controlled, emergency dental surgery," Friedman suggested . ".
In addition, dentists and dental healers can help you explain better home care.
Here it is. . .
Make a regular home cleaning for your teeth.
Brush floss twice a day.
Dentists also recommend the use of electric toothbrushes to better clean the teeth.
When a patient has gum disease, Lawler recommends using an electric toothbrush with a soft head and other types of gum stimulation (including gum stimulation.
Reconsider the need for mouthwash.
There are many options for mouthwash, some of which can help your mouth feel particularly clean.
However, a study published in the journal no in December found that among the 1,206 overweight study participants, those who used mouthwash twice a day were more likely to develop type 2 within three years(
Those who use mouthwash once a day only have a small, statistically insignificant increase in the development of type 2 diabetes. )[
Reading: 8 cases of diabetes complications. ]
Both Friedman and Lawler warn that this does not mean that mouthwash can lead to type 2 diabetes for everyone.
In fact, there may be other factors in the work.
For example, Friedman says some people who use mouthwash may be in poor health or may have a worse diet.
However, Lawler says mouthwash does break down bacteria in the mouth, including good ones-
This is good for oral health.
"Mouthwash is often considered a harmless supplement to daily brushing, helping to target plaque, but it is not listed as a necessary component of proper oral care," Friedman said . ". "[The study]
Ask if mouthwash is good for the whole population.
"Vanessa Caceres is a health freelancer in the United States. S. News.
She is a nationally published health, tourism and food writer with an undergraduate degree in journalism and psychology from Hampshire College and a graduate degree in linguistics/bilingual education from Georgetown University.
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