how clean is the air? your iphone now has the answer - air cleaner

by:Yovog     2020-01-22
how clean is the air? your iphone now has the answer  -  air cleaner
"The beginning of summer," written by John Plati, the air I live in Maine is very clean and the particles and ozone levels are very low.
But people living in other parts of the country are not so lucky.
According to the American Lung Association, 41% of Americans live in areas where air pollution causes breathing difficulties and dangers.
How do you know the air quality where you live?
Well, you may turn to your smartphone for answers.
The new state of the American Lung Association's Air application (
Free for bothiPhoneandAndroid)
In the next few days, not only can you see the air quality in your area, it also lets you know if the level of ozone or particulate matter pollution in your area is enough to put you or someone you know at risk.
For example, the app warns that ozone levels between 101 and 150 are dangerous for people with lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, and older people and children under the age of 18.
"More than 40% of Americans live in areas where air pollution continues to threaten their health," said Norman H . "
Edelman, chief medical officer of the American Lung Association.
"The state of the Air app is especially valuable in warm weather, as ozone pollution peaks in many sunny cities.
"This app has a social element that allows you to share today's air quality report with your friends on facebook and twitter.
You can also use it to understand how you can help fight for cleaner air in the future.
The app follows the latest air report released by the Lung Association, which provides transcripts of air quality in communities across the country.
The report found that 22 out of 25 ozone species
In the past year, the air quality of polluted cities has improved.
Charles Connor, president of the association, said in a statement, "We are making real stable progress in reducing the dangerous pollution in the air we breathe.
But despite these improvements, air quality standards in the United States are far out of date, and unhealthy levels of air pollution still exist across the country, endangering the health of millions of Americans.
"The American Lung Association has launched a new PSA app that depicts a delightful quirky character, Alvin Grimes, the air collector, who actually collects air in the jar,
But commercial advertising has a serious point of view, saying in a voice --
At the end: "Do you think it's strange to collect air?
If you see what your lungs collect every time you breathe, you don't think so.
"Grigrimes will appear in commercial advertising, billboards, online videos and other venues.
Ads are only aired when local TV stations contribute time, but you can watch the original video on YouTube.
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