how car washes work - water jet flosser

by:Yovog     2023-01-12
how car washes work  -  water jet flosser
Âxad ÂxadThe high-
The high pressure washer is a rotating water jet system that squirts concentrated water flow onto the car.
The nozzles of each water jet are usually arranged like windmills, and the angle of each nozzle is slightly away from the center.
The power of the water emitted from the nozzle causes the water jet to spin rapidly.
This means that the flow of water moves in a circular mode when it hits the car.
The strength of the water flow and circular motion is combined to provide a powerful scrubbing effect on the surface of the car.
The power of the water is incredible, and some systems are rated at 1,000 pounds per square inch (psi)
Enough to knock a man down easily! High-
The pressure system needs a lot of water. -
About 300 to 400 gallons (
1,100 to 1,500 liters)per car.
In order to provide so much water in a fast way, the car wash usually has a special pressure tank nearby that can hold the water of this particular system.
In most systems, almost all water is recycled and recycled back to the pressure tank after each use.
Many car washes, especially in areas with more snow in winter, have a device called a chassis car wash.
This system is located on the ground with several nozzles pointing above to clean the dirt, mud and salt at the bottom of the car.
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