How can I keep my brakes from rusting? - what's the best electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-01-13
How can I keep my brakes from rusting?  -  what\'s the best electric toothbrush
In the first three months of this year, after our car was parked in the driveway, its brakes were noisy and rusty.
Do you have any suggestions for rust prevention? Q.
We went to Arizona in the winter, and in the last few years, in the first three months of the year, after we parked a car in the driveway, we went back to the noisy, rusty brakes.
Normal driving did not wear and rust and I had to replace the rotor or more.
For some years, there was not much mileage on the brakes before rust.
Do you have any suggestions other than renting a garage? A.
If conditions are appropriate, rust on the surface on the brake rotor will occur within a few hours.
Since most of the moisture may come from the ground, parking on a waterproof cloth may help to limit moisture and, in turn, inhibit rust.
Do not put any lubricant or anti-rust agent on the rotor, because it will pollute the brake pad and damage the brake.
Covering the tires with plastic bags only absorbs moisture.
The best solution is that when you are away, someone is driving every few weeks.
John Paul is a car Doctor in northeast AAA.
He has more than 40 years of experience in the automotive industry and is an ASE certified master technician.
Email your car issue to jpaul @ aaanortheast. com.
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