How can an electric toothbrush recharge its batteries when there are no metal contacts between the toothbrush and the base? - electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-09-13
How can an electric toothbrush recharge its batteries when there are no metal contacts between the toothbrush and the base?  -  electric toothbrush
If you have an electric toothbrush, chances are it has a fully sealed toothbrush unit.
The toothbrush is placed on the charger and there is no metal contact to connect the toothbrush to the base.
This has a huge advantage of allowing the toothbrush to be fully sealed so that the water does not enter through the exposed contacts.
It also avoids any problems with water entering the contacts and shorting the charger.
The arrangement of this seal is called induction charging.
Basically, the toothbrush and the base form two
Part of the transformer, the base has a part of the transformer, and the toothbrush has another part.
When you slide the toothbrush to the end of the seat, a complete transformer will be created and the charge will flow.
The base contains a coil and a metal rod.
The toothbrush contains a second coil.
When you put your toothbrush on the base, you create the complete transformer!
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