houseplants that are natural air purifiers | the times of india - small room air purifier

by:Yovog     2022-10-02
houseplants that are natural air purifiers  | the times of india  -  small room air purifier
With the rising level of air pollution in the capital, 01/9 natural air purifiers have been eliminated, and the demand for air purifiers is very large. Anti-
Pollution masks, air purification gadgets and camphor trees have caught the attention of most of us.
If you believe in a natural purifier and are looking for a replacement for a purification device, check out this list of indoor plants that can solve this problem.
02/9 aloe no-stem fleshy plant is popular for its cosmetic and pharmaceutical uses, but it also has air
Cleaning capacity.
03/9 spider plant, also known as hanging orchid, is a flowering perennial herb.
If you don't pay much attention to indoor plants, this resilient plant will still survive.
The plant is rich in leaves and can fight benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and PX.
04/9 popular indoor plants in fornance, Boston remove more formaldehyde than any other plant.
The Boston fern plant is extremely efficient in removing other indoor air pollutants and can also fight benzene and PX.
05/9 rubber mill if your room is screaming for cleaner air, try the rubber mill or Janet Craig.
These are the best formaldehyde remover and also add to the aesthetic value of your house.
06/9 English ivyThis beautiful indoor plants reduce feces in the air
Matter particles.
It also filters formaldehyde found in some household cleaning products. 07/9Red-
The beautiful red edge of this Bush brings bright colors.
The plant clears the air in the room, through varnish and gasoline, of PX, vinyl chloride and formaldehyde.
08/9 Chineseto-
Nursing factory that can filter various air pollutants.
It also clears toxins over time.
It also produces flowers and red berries.
The 09/9 bamboo palm is the most suitable plant for purifying air.
The little palm, also known as the Reed palm, often produces flowers and small berries.
It can fight benzene and vinyl chloride.
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