Here are four ways to improve your dental hygiene - best electric toothbrush for plaque

by:Yovog     2022-03-12
Here are four ways to improve your dental hygiene  -  best electric toothbrush for plaque
The Australian Dental Association found that there were only about 1 Australian who brushed their teeth twice a day, and the most serious offenders were older Australians.
It's time to improve our skills.
Source: We all know the advice of healthy teeth
Brush twice a day and don't eat too much sugar.
So why do those of us who follow these instructions find out when we go to the dentist that we sometimes need to fill in?
The fact is, preventing tooth decay is a little more than these guidelines suggest.
This is what you need to know.
Brush your skills to show that your brush is very different.
The mechanical effect of brushing teeth eliminates very sticky plaque
A mixture of bacteria, their acids, and sticky substances.
Product and food residue.
It naturally forms on the teeth immediately after you finish eating, but does not become annoying until the teeth reach a certain stage of maturity, it does not start to cause damage to the teeth.
The exact time it takes is not known, but at least over 12 hours.
Bacteria consume sugar as a by-product
Products, produce acid, dissolve minerals in teeth, leaving tiny holes that we can't see.
If the process is not stopped and it is not fixed, the holes will become large and obvious.
It's time to improve our skills.
Source: it is recommended to brush your teeth in two minutes is a good goal to remove the plaque and you should brush your teeth at night and at other times of the day.
Brushing your teeth often prevents bacteria from developing to a stage where the most acid-producing species can be established.
Electric toothbrushes are more effective than manual brushing, and a small toothbrush head helps to reach the awkward area in the mouth, while the middle-
Textured bristles can help you clean effectively without causing damage to your gums and teeth.
The main thing, however, is to brush your teeth!
Most of the benefits of brushing your teeth using fluoride toothpaste and disclosing tablets come from toothpaste.
The evidence shows that fluoride is a key ingredient in preventing tooth decay.
Fluorine replaces the minerals lost in the teeth and also makes them stronger.
Use toothpaste 1350 for maximum benefit-1500 ppmF —
Fluorine concentration per million
Prevent tooth decay.
Check the concentration of toothpaste by reading the composition on the back of the tube.
Not all children's toothpaste is strong enough to get the best out of them.
Depending on the dentist's assessment of the risk of tooth decay for you or your child, they may prescribe higher-intensity fluoride toothpaste.
Plaque is hard to see because it is white like your teeth.
Both supermarkets and pharmacies have open tablets that make the plaque more visible, showing areas you might miss when brushing your teeth.
It's time to improve our skills.
Source: supply spit, don't eat at night, you produce less saliva than during the day.
Because of this, your teeth have less protection for saliva and are more vulnerable to acid attacks.
That's why it's important to remove food from your teeth before going to bed, so that plaque bacteria don't feast overnight.
After brushing your teeth at night, do not eat or drink anything except water.
This also gives fluoride the longest job opportunity.
Do not rinse your mouth with clear water or mouthwash after brushing your teeth-
You washed out the fluorine!
This can be a habit that is hard to break, but can reduce tooth decay by up to 25.
In foods such as fruits, there are no more than four natural sugars, which are less likely to cause tooth decay than adding or free sugar.
Free sugar is usually the sugar added to the food by the manufacturer, but it also includes honey, syrup and juice.
These are easy to consume, metabolize, and produce acid for bacteria.
However, it is difficult to tell which sugar is the worst in the teeth.
For example, while the normal amount of fruit is good, the juice releases sugar from the plant cells and a large amount of consumption can lead to decay.
The World Health Organization and the National Health Service system recommend that the best calorie intake per day is sugar-free food.
What does this look like?
For adults and children over the age of 11, this is about 30 grams
About eight teaspoons. of sugar daily.
A can of 330 ml Cola contains 35 grams of sugar.
The Change4life app helps keep track of how much sugar you consume in your diet.
It's time to improve our skills.
Source: Although it doesn't matter much, it's also important how often you eat sugar.
Simple carbs like sugar make it easier for bacteria to digest than proteins or complex carbs.
Bacteria produce acid after metabolizing sugar, leading to de-mining.
Fortunately, through the action of fluoride toothpaste and the remineralisation of saliva, your teeth can be recovered from the early stages of these attacks.
Like a set of scales-
Try to keep the balance between one sugar, fluoride toothpaste and the other clean.
Usually, your teeth are exposed to four "sugar hits --
Sugar intake-
No irreversible damage to the teeth.
Why not try to figure out how many times a day you eat sugary drinks?
This includes biscuits, a cup of sugary tea or coffee, and other snacks containing refined carbohydrates such as potato chips.
An easy way to reduce is to stop adding sugar to hot drinks and limit snacks.
Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, don't rinse your mouth, don't eat or drink after brushing your teeth, and don't exceed four times a day. Easy!
The article was originally presented in the dialogue and reprinted with permission.
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