Her life is a dog - best electric toothbrush for plaque

by:Yovog     2022-03-20
Her life is a dog  -  best electric toothbrush for plaque
Bessie had a wonderful day.
She washed her hair first and then dried it.
Her favorite Mason Pearson brush will shape her gorgeous hair.
Next, she will have her feet fixed, her nails cut short and shiny, just like she likes.
She would even make teeth: scale with a special tool, remove the tartar, and pass with an electric toothbrush.
Bessie receives this treatment once a week.
Bessie is a lucky girl.
Anne Bowles is proud of her Pembroke Welsh cogie, who is 11 inch tall and weighs 23 pounds.
"Isn't she beautiful? " she asks.
This is a rhetorical question because Bowles thinks Bessie is beautiful and Bowles knows the beautiful corgis.
For 37 years she has nurtured, nurtured, trained, presented and judged them.
Today, Bowles and Bessie will showcase their stuff at 129 Westminster Dog Show at Madison Square Garden.
For people who are not active and cat people, the show is Super Bowl ---
World Series, Wimbledon and Kentucky Derby-of dog shows.
Bowles once performed and judged there: her bitch Holly won the merit prize in 2001.
But this year, she thought she and Bessie had a chance to do better.
In Westminster, blood relations are as important as the Mayflower society. Only pure-
Blood, blood AKC-
Registered dogs need to apply, only the cream in their middle can apply.
The Westminster Kennel Club, which sponsors the show, is "made up of a group of gentlemen who are keen on pure sports --
According to William F's Dog Show: 125 of Westminster, the breeding dog. Stifel.
"AKC (American Kennel Club) says the dog's judgment is not brain surgery, but most exhibitors think it is more important," Bowles said . ".
She's a funny woman.
Although she takes acting seriously, she is not as pretentious as some professional actors.
She loves her dog, her baby.
Chat with them, talk about their fur and happily accept a lot of wet kisses.
Yes, they were allowed to run in the yard and even get dirty.
"Hey, I know it's just a dog show," she said . ".
"We are not solving the problem of world hunger.
"Still, she wants to break the dog salon that competes with the best dogs in the country. Betsy--
Her full name is actually the dream of champion Heronsway patriot--has a blue-
It can be traced back to the eight generations. it was cultivated by Bowles.
Bessie's mother is the champion of the herensville event, and her father is the champion of Sam herensville.
To be a champion, dogs have to take part in many performances and get many points.
All her colgis-
Now, Bowles lives all over a dozen ---
She thought Bessie had the biggest chance in Westminster.
"She has a beautiful head.
She has beautiful big ears.
She has a pair of black eyes in the right shape with a nice short gun mouth with perfect marks on the front, big feet, oval shape
Shape, set under her-
"This is very important," Bowles said . "
"Her bones are good and her shoulders are good --
Laid, she has a lovely neck, a lovely archHorizontal descent line.
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