HELPFUL HARDWARE; Keeping Boots Dry In Winter - boot and shoe dryer

by:Yovog     2022-08-14
HELPFUL HARDWARE; Keeping Boots Dry In Winter  -  boot and shoe dryer
1987 This is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it starts online in 1996.
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Walking in the snow or mud can prepare for wet and dirty shoes and boots.
However, some devices can keep the boots clean and dry more effectively than putting them on the radiator.
Boot 'n Shoe from the Sporty tool store removes mud, snow or ice from dirty shoes and boots.
Boots n shoe brush, combination brush-
Hard plastic bristles
There is also a steel forklift for $33. 75.
Sporty also sells shoes and boots dryers ($82. 50)
Two pairs at a time.
The unit from Norway is wall-
There are four 24-
Guide the inches coil of warm air through the shoes.
The timer can be set for 1 minute to 2 hours.
Another dryer, $37.
50, will bask in high-footed shoes-
Ski boots, hiking boots and Highland Boots-overnight.
Sporty's catalog can be ordered from Claremont airport 45103 in Batavia, Ohio, at 513-732-2411.
Small portable electric boot dryer for sale through the Eddie ball catalogue, suitable for men and women's shoes and dry boots for the night.
Manufacturers say they are not designed to crack or shrink leather shoes.
The aluminum dryer bought from the fifth union, Eddie Bauer, Seattle postal box 3700, Washington, costs $22. 98124; 800-426-8020. A cast-
Dog-like iron boot scraper costs $33 from Cumberland, Highway 3, Crossville, Tennessee. 38555; 615-484-8481.
Cricket boots that help take off strong boots are $7. 70.
A version of this article was printed on page 1001034 of the National edition on January 1, 1987 with the title: useful hardware;
Keep the boots dry in winter.
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