growing up in a frugal society when everyone was forced to be frugal. - where to buy car air purifiers

by:Yovog     2021-06-04
growing up in a frugal society when everyone was forced to be frugal.  -  where to buy car air purifiers
When I was a child, my family lived a frugal life.
This is not an option.
Survival is a must!
We Americans have become a very wasteful society.
Now, for economic reasons, we are told to live a frugal life. This amuses me.
I have been raised to be frugal since I was a child and it is a feature that I am trying to instill into my children.
I think I am successful in being a parent.
We call it thrift (not cheap).
We are told that 40% of food in the United States is wasted every year.
Just walk into a restaurant and see all the food left on the plate and throw it in the trash!
Look at the leftovers you will never use in your own fridge.
I'm tired of hearing all the overweight people in our country.
I have a solution: eat less food.
I do not recommend that we go back to the tizzy article, nor that we go back to the era of "horses and carriages", and the way people lived at that time.
It makes people realize how wasteful we are as a country and try to live more frugally.
Experts tell us that our 1929 Dodge car will take longer.
No need to buy a new car every two years;
Take care of what you have.
Change oil every 2-
Travel 3,000 miles and maintain proper tire pressure.
Our home car is a 1929 Dodge car with wooden wheel spokes.
It has a history of at least 20 years and runs well.
My father will cross the car in the ditch and change the oil himself.
He inflated the tire with a bicycle pump.
We are all trying to save gas for our car.
They told us to go to the store less often.
Save gas by speed limit etc. etc.
Dad saved the gas in the old Dodge in any way he could think.
The three of us will push the car to the hill in front of the House to start so he can go to work in the morning.
He will put the car in the gap, open the driver's door and help push it.
When the car is up he will jump in at the last minute and then he will leave!
When he is driving on the highway, he will throw the car in a neutral place and then drive down the hillside to save gas.
We went to the store in the city center on Saturday to buy an item.
We didn't jump to the store once or twice a day, as people do now.
I opened 1997 Honda Accord.
I care about it and hope it will last me for many years.
Health experts tell us that we need to walk more and exercise more.
I go to school two miles a day.
No exaggeration)We all walked.
There's only one family car, and if dad drives that car to work, we need to go somewhere: we're gone!
We need more exercise.
We are a sedentary person.
I totally agree with that. We are SO lazy.
At that time, our children would go through the woods, swing from the vines, play in the stream, plow mules in the fields, and work in the cotton fields.
Baby, I walk at least two miles a day.
Good for her, good for me!
Now Americans are building small houses. Who needs big houses and big lawns?
We were told to reduce the size of the house.
Who needs a "Manama "?
I grew up in a two-bedroom wooden framed house that would be considered a cottage by today's standards.
It never leaked because it had a metal roof.
The house has been our home for many years.
I live in a four bedroom house built in 1900 until it is necessary for me to reduce the size.
I live in a very small apartment right now and need little to keep it clean.
I like it very much.
People are worried for a day now because they can't make enough money.
My father works in a textile factory.
He made several strands of cotton into cloth.
His salary is $35. 00 a week.
We don't have a credit card.
If we don't have the money to buy an item, we wait until we have cash to spend.
I remember mom was proud to show dad the new chair she gave him for his birthday.
When he asked her where the money came from, she told him that she had collected it.
Well, he told her the chair was going back!
He charges nothing.
Too bad we can't refuse to charge what we think we have to have.
We should wait until we have cash!
I agree with the experts that we should not use valuable water and ongoing care to maintain the huge lawn.
We have no lawn to maintain.
Our yard is as red clay as you found it on a mountain in South Carolina.
My mother sweeps the yard every day with what they call a "brush Broom.
This is made of a string of small branches tied from the tree.
She is proud of the way she keeps the yard clean.
Why don't we grow vegetables in the yard? ? ?
I would like to see people turn their lawn into a garden.
We don't have electricity and frugal experts tell us to turn off appliances that we don't use at night or when we're away from home.
We didn't power up until I was 12.
Clean the house without a vacuum cleaner.
The mother swept the soil out of the ground with a broom.
Since we had to rely on kerosene lamps to see it after dark, we all slept with chickens.
If I didn't finish my homework in the dark, I would have to read my book in this light.
It also didn't hurt my eyesight because I had 20/20 of my sight all the time.
To save energy, we were told to dry our clothes out.
We have a clothesline in the backyard for wet clothes.
Of course there is no washing machine.
The mother will heat the water under the metal washbasin.
She scrubbed the clothes on her face plate with homemade alkali soap.
I still have that old wash board.
The clothes will be washed in fresh water from another tin bucket and then hung online.
I remember how fresh my sheets always smell!
Unless you live in a place where clothes are prohibited, consider hanging up instead of using a clothes dryer.
I used a drying line and saved a lot of electricity with my clothes dryer.
We should sew some clothes, we can save a lot of money by making some clothes by ourselves.
My mother is a great tailor.
She made my clothes in a flour bag.
At that time, we did not allow girls to wear shorts or trousers.
All the Southern ladies are wearing skirts.
We bought flour in flower bags.
Flour making commercial strong cotton make these bags, which must survive in all the washes on the wash board.
She added a beautiful Peter Pann collar, decorated with her hand-woven or crochet work.
I have four daughters. I made all their clothes!
Frugal people tell us how to cook with our stove.
Cook a few dishes at a time with the oven.
We have a wood-burning stove.
Mom made great cakes and pies even without a thermostat.
A heated oven is built into the top of the stove so dinner can be kept warm for later consumption.
We don't have central heating, so the old stove keeps us warm when we don't want to light the fireplace.
To save money, pet experts give us recipes for making homemade dog food.
It's better for your dog's health (they say)
, Cheaper to use.
We never bought dog food.
If lucky, our dog will eat the leftovers from the table.
Our dogs live long and healthy.
I don't buy commercial dog food for my mini snow Nari.
I made her chicken and rice.
Americans spend a lot of money on disposable diapers.
We are filling the landfill with these plastic diapers that cannot be biodegradable.
We used cloth diapers, washed them and hung them online to dry.
Diapers were frozen on the Internet in the cold weather.
If my mother could see all the water we bought with plastic bottles, she would "turn over in the grave ".
We got clean, clear water from the spring water that just came up from the Earth.
We have a well to pump water for laundry and weekly bath.
Why don't we install the water purifier under the sink and stop buying all the water? ?
As I grew up, we never heard of paper towels.
Why can't we cut the paper towel off with a cloth kitchen towel?
We were told to grow vegetables.
Of course, these are better for our health.
When I grew up, it was unheard of to buy fresh vegetables.
Everything we eat is planted, including meat.
We are encouraged to be vegetarian and do not eat meat sold on the market.
I have to admit that this is a difficult challenge for me.
I really like steak!
We feed our own pigs, cattle and chickens.
The cows have a large pasture for grazing.
The calf has never been fat in a small box as it is today.
Our pigs have a lot of pens rolling in the mud and they are very satisfied with their living conditions.
Our chickens have never been punished. They ran free.
They now call it "free range" chicken.
When I lived in my old big house, I had chickens in my backyard.
They provide fresh eggs to my family every day.
Unless you live in a place where you are forbidden to raise chickens, it is great to raise them.
They also made great pets for your kids!
The children have fewer holes in their backs? ? ? What was that? ?
We clean our teeth with baking soda.
It is a rare sight to see a child with tooth decay.
Believe it or not, but we don't have a toothbrush either!
We made it out of a soft wood.
I go outside every day to cut a new toothbrush.
We have become an inalienable society.
We use something once and throw it away.
What we buy will not last for a long time as we do not force manufacturers to produce long lasting products.
The recession we are experiencing in the United States is good for us in many ways.
It makes us rethink the way we live.
It is a good thing that forces us to live frugally.
We are using up the resources of our planet at an alarming rate.
We all have a responsibility to protect what we leave to the next generation.
In this rich world, we should all live a frugal life.
Remember: Don't waste, don't waste.
Tell another story about how frugal I was when I was a child.
I was allowed to buy a pack of gum a month.
Oh, how much I look forward to this treat!
I would chew a gum and I would take it out before going to bed and carefully put it in an aspirin jar with a hinge cover.
The next day I will take it out if I like it and chew it again.
I believe we Americans are a wasted society.
We are running out of our natural resources quickly.
We all need to do our part to protect these resources for future generations.
As a responsible person, think about how you can learn to live a more frugal life.
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