Google Home to be launched in UK in April - at home beauty devices

by:Yovog     2021-08-17
Google Home to be launched in UK in April  -  at home beauty devices
Google Home, a search giant smartphone assistant that competes with Amazon Alexa, will be launched in the UK in April.
Google says it "hides some British cuisine" in the device ".
The speaker and assistant, launched in the United States in November, is part of the growing trend to make artificial intelligence available in the home.
The company also launched its own wi-
Fi service in the UK, trying to solve "frustration when wireless connection at home fails ".
Like Amazon's Echo, Home can answer basic questions or control smart Home devices like lights.
It can also help translators, provide weather and traffic updates, and provide news updates from publications such as the BBC, The Guardian, and the Financial Times.
"The combination of our natural language processing, machine learning and speech --
"Identifying expertise allows users to interact naturally with assistants," Suveer Kothari, Google's product planning director, said in a blog post . ".
"Of course, we have hidden some British food for you.
Just ask Google Home about its hobbies or foods you like.
"When the American version of Google Home started playing information about the new film Beauty And The Beast without prompting, it proved controversial.
Google apologized for this and denied it was an ad saying it was trying to "new ways to show unique content ".
Google Home will be available in stores such as Argos, John Lewis, Dixons and Maplin on April 6 for £ 129. Google Wi-
The Fi will be available at the same time and will cost 12.
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