Get a full massage at home with this 10-motor heated mat - neck massager with heat

by:Yovog     2020-07-19
Get a full massage at home with this 10-motor heated mat  -  neck massager with heat
We 've all been there: whether you're going through a hard workout, everything is in pain, or after a brutal day in the office, you have to sit on the longest commute, you want you to have your own private masseur on hand.
For tough days and sore muscles, these 10-Motor Full-
Body massage pads should work with hot compress.
Forget your little hand-
Massager for certain muscle groups only-
Lie on this luxurious cushion and experience the equivalent of a spa massage in your own comfortable home.
All you need to do is relax and lie on a soft massage pad and let the ten Motors ease the tension around your neck, back, waist and legs.
This will relieve any pain and stiffness you are experiencing, whether it's your last fitness class or you just got home after a long business trip.
The Pad also comes with built-in
In the heater, help your muscles relax and there is also an interactive controller to help you take advantage of the four independently controlled areas.
In addition, there are three different levels of intensity that will allow you to target the massage and the five front
Programming mode for simple massage.
It is also very portable so you can take it with you on the road.
Usually this 10-Motor Full-
Hot compress body massage pad $69.
99, but you can buy it here for $59. 99.
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