german start-up trials solar car that can charge as you drive - solar powered car air freshener

by:Yovog     2020-02-29
german start-up trials solar car that can charge as you drive  -  solar powered car air freshener
This August 7 story has been fixed to show that Sion cannot be charged from other electric vehicles, removing references to German factory production and increasing the correct number of orders to 6,500. )BERLIN (Reuters)-A Munich-based start-
Up took advantage of the powerful Bavarian sunshine this summer to test the final development of its Sion car charging system, a full-scale
Electric solar car that lets you charge while driving.
Germany may miss its goal of putting 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2020, but the government said in April it was ready to support companies that produce electric vehicle batteries.
Founded in 2016, Sono Motors is developing Sion
Electric vehicles that integrate solar cells into the body.
It can be charged via solar or conventional power outlets.
Production will begin in the second half of 2019, and the company has more than 6,500 orders and plans to start selling at 16,000 euros (£14,357. 96)next year.
Sion will install 330 solar cells on the roof, Hood and side of the vehicle, and its battery system will provide about 250 km (155 miles)
Before charging is needed
"We have a seat heater with air conditioning and a large infotainment system and I can also connect the phone interactively, which means I really have a very simple vehicle with no decoration, "Laurie Hahn, co-
The founder and CEO of the startup told Reuters.
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