Genius! Turn a Toothbrush into a Power Sander for $5 - professional electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-06-23
Genius! Turn a Toothbrush into a Power Sander for $5  -  professional electric toothbrush
The power of Sanders is very useful.
Very expensive.
The smallest version, called detail Sanders, allows you to manipulate in narrow corners like a professional.
With a touch, you can use these tiny power tools to polish scratches on old furniture, perfect painting decoration, smooth rough edges of woodand even deep-clean grout!
To get all the features without the high price tag, YouTube guru and professional tinkerer kipkay made a simpler Sander with an electric toothbrush for $5.
He first cut off the bristles with a small pair of scissors, and then cut a piece of plastic from the old DVD box to cover the empty patch on the toothbrush head. (
This scrap plastic creates a smooth base for pasting sandpaper. )
After applying a strong glue to the top of the toothbrush, kipkay presses the plastic block in place for a few minutes to form a firm bond.
Finally, he added one. to-
Bonding ring of adhesive-
Back the sandpaper to the top of the toothbrush and ready
To-do list around-the-house jobs.
Like a detail Sander, the swing head of the electric toothbrush will wear the surface in a small circle or "track", so you need to move it back and forth to finish smoothly.
Take a spin on your old toothbrush for inspiration?
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Most people have more than one, so test all the options before committing to the next big DIY.
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