Gas prices sting? Try a tuneup - automotive air filters

by:Yovog     2021-05-27
Gas prices sting? Try a tuneup  -  automotive air filters
Record gas prices don't have to take a big part of your budget.
There are many ways to save gasoline, says the auto mechanic.
Drive more effectively, keep the shape of your car, plan and combine travel--
More efficient vehicles may be selected-
I can help reduce the amount of gasoline you use, said Brian Shirley, president of the Peoria quality 1 Motor Center.
Adjustment, regular oil change and car repair checks improve performance and gasoline mileage, he said.
By following the manufacturer's advice in your owner's manual, you should avoid fuel-
According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's mobile source Office, economic problems caused by earbuds wear, brake drag, low transmission fluid or failure to enter high-end transmission.
"A good adjustment has a long way to go," Shirley said . ".
Repairing a car that is clearly uncoordinated or failed to discharge tests can increase the gas mileage by an average of 4 miles.
1%, although, according to the US Department of Energy, there are different kinds of fixes and the degree of completion.
It is also important to check and replace air filters regularly, Shirley said.
According to Doe, replacing clogged air filters can increase your car's gasoline mileage by up to 10%.
The air filter of the car prevents impurities from damaging the inside of the engine.
Changing dirty air filters will not only save gas, but will also protect your engine, Shirley said.
Keeping your tires properly inflated can also increase your gas mileage, says Bruce Kent, owner of Benson Motor Services, a 32-year-old automotive company in Peoria.
Kent said the tires lose an average of 3 pounds of the air per month, so it would help to check the tires once a month.
"General maintenance of your car can help your car to maximize performance," Kent said . ".
Periodic wheel positioning is also important, he said.
"This is another thing that people have never experienced before ---
I mean forever. -
"This seems to be the case," Kent said . ".
But just one-
The 1-inch 16-inch non-alignment causes tire wear.
Shirley said: "Driving wisely, avoiding aggressive driving such as speeding, fast acceleration and hard braking can also save gas.
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