Gadgets gone absurd - best new electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-07-19
Gadgets gone absurd  -  best new electric toothbrush
Rhea Varghese lists some of the most interesting innovations in the world, some of which are so crazy that when they are combined, these innovations and technologies really lead to some thinking --
The results are incredible.
Add a bit of creativity to it, and we have some very unusual innovations.
Every day, companies around the world are launching updated and updated products. of-the-
This makes us wonder if these things really exist.
Here are a few of the most popular ones that caught our attention.
If you are looking for a gadget that can help you monitor how good you are in terms of sex, you can enjoy it.
Con Smart contraceptive collar tracks sex, monitors calories burned during sexual intercourse, total thrust, different locations used, average skin temperature, and more.
It has a Micro
USB charging port that can be paired with any device via Bluetooth.
The barista is an alarm clock with a coffee machine that allows people to feel the bubbling hot water and the aroma of coffee making.
Once the alarm rings, it will boil water in a 94 degree stainless steel base.
It has a refrigerated milk storage device to keep the liquid cool, and a sealed separation tray to store sugar and other condiments.
The alarm clock is a shame to others.
Meet the sticker, a belt that will make you blush if you get fat!
A Samsung product that moves the fitness tracker from the wrist to the waist, which analyzes your waist circumference, eating habits, physical exercise, sitting time, calories burned, and more.
When you wear a belt, its magnetic sensor detects the waist size and tracks changes over time.
This electric toothbrush has caused a stir in the world.
Unlike other complex devices, this electric toothbrush has a simple design with the main function of vibrating every two minutes to remind users to switch from the area of the mouth that is brushed.
Quip even offers you a replacement brush head every three months!
The idea seems exciting and experimental and is becoming more and more popular.
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