Gadget Talk: Oclean One Is The Fastest Smart Sonic Electric ToothBrush - best electric toothbrush for kids

by:Yovog     2021-12-24
Gadget Talk: Oclean One Is The Fastest Smart Sonic Electric ToothBrush  -  best electric toothbrush for kids
There is no doubt that electric toothbrushes are no longer a chore to brush your teeth, but it's not fun enough for me.
In early 1990, with the introduction of high-tech
Speed sonic technology is essentially a steroid electric toothbrush that produces tens of thousands of brushes per minute, and this beautiful oral massage becomes the most effective way to remove plaque, bacteria, stains from food and beverages, and stimulate the gums.
Top brands in the sonic electric toothbrush market Philips Sonicare and oral-
P & G (P&G)
For a while, Diamond Clean smart has been selling smart toothbrushes (from $230)
and the Genius(from $200)
Separately with their smartphone app (
For iOS and Android).
This year, we found three startups that threatened Philips and Procter & Gamble to dominate the Wal-Mart sonic toothbrush market: I interviewed during a recent visit to Shenzhen, Silicon Valley, China (
In the video below)the co-
Laurent Le Pen, founder of Oclean, wanted to learn more about these 25-
People startup is supported by Huami, China's largest manufacturer of wearable devices, which itself is owned by Xiaomi, a Chinese smartphone supplier.
The startup has already sold 30,000 Oclean One in China and so far has raised $2 m in the seed wheel, raising another 113 on crowdfunding site IndieGoGoS.
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